I see. Many thanks~
@ashawkey Hi, I tried to add the ndc conversion before generating xyzs, like this: def run_cuda(self, rays_o, rays_d, dt_gamma=0, bg_color=None, perturb=False, force_all_rays=False, max_steps=1024, T_thresh=1e-4, **kwargs): # rays_o, rays_d: [B, N,...
@serizba I managed to do it but cannot get desired results. Hope someone address this issue.
Thanks for the answer. BTW, I trained the raw model for the scene parkstatue using default configs, and rendered the views by setting Config.factor =1. Then I noticed that when...
same question. How to compute the depth map?
@Ballzy0706 Hi, I met the same question. Have you addressed this issue?
Many thanks for your answer. I found my error occurs only when remote debugging using pycharm, but success when directly running the code. I guess the problem is that pycharm...
Yes, I guess so. I will try again~
@barney2074 Have you tested on outdoor/unbounded forward-facing images? I always get black ghosts on the far backgrounds.
> Hi @Harper714 > > Yes, sometimes get that too- not exactly sure what causes it- but I tend to crop out the far distance-. Recent changes in I-NGP means...