Haroen Viaene

Results 907 comments of Haroen Viaene

This will also target iMacs with 5k displays, just like the min pixel ratio of 2 also targets MacBooks with retina displays I think.

Hey, can you show what you did so far? I think it _should_ be possible

Did you try with [dynamic: true](https://github.com/Haroenv/holmes#dynamic) ? Could you make a codepen with a minimal example?

I can’t read chinese, could you give me an example of the problem?

Could you show me what the exact problem is? I’d love to solve this!

Hmm sounds interesting, I didn’t have this problem yet before, I’ll come back to you on this!

related to https://github.com/guardian/scribe/issues/422

Basically all of the red parts in https://coveralls.io/github/Haroenv/holmes need to be checked.

The index seems to mark typescript as included now, but still is missing on the typescript playground, any idea what could be going on? ``` curl 'https://ofcncog2cu-dsn.algolia.net/1/indexes/npm-search/type-fest?attributes=types&x-algolia-agent=Algolia%20for%20vanilla%20JavaScript%20(lite)%203.27.1&x-algolia-application-id=OFCNCOG2CU&x-algolia-api-key=f54e21fa3a2a0160595bb058179bfb1e' \ -XGET \...

Just in case it's not clear how that can be done today: `.toEqual(expect.stringMatching(/thesubstring/i))`