FABRevealMenu-master copied to clipboard
A general purpose android UI library to show a user show menu in accordance of Floating action button with material design guidelines.
I'm using the `FABMenuItem(int id, String title, Drawable iconDrawable) `constructor, using my ID. But when I use fabMenu.setOnFABMenuSelectedListener to get the item id it returns its position and not the...
``` public void setMenuItems(ArrayList menuList) throws NullPointerException { this.menuList = menuList; mMenuRes = -1; mCustomView = null; if (menuList == null) throw new NullPointerException("Null items are not allowed."); removeAllViews(); if...
Your library working fine. I have implemented custom view and work perfect, but when i tested in different version i found some issue that animation of opening menu get stuck...
As you can see in the attached video this code is quite unstable and random. Cannot be used with issues like this. [https://imgur.com/a/rSOnAKJ](url)
After opening a dialog it sometimes happens that this breaks the fab animation and the fab vanishes and is not shown again. The video shows that the fab does not...
I nearly changed everything I needed and made a pull request, so all the things regarding my changes can be discussed in the pull request and I change this issue....
Hello. Thanks for the great menu. But I can not solve one problem. I want to change the dynamic name of the submenu, can you tell me how to do...