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Perl Utility Library for my other repos

Hari Sekhon - Perl Library

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CI Builds Overview Jenkins Concourse GoCD TeamCity

CircleCI BuildKite AppVeyor Drone Codeship Status for HariSekhon/lib Codefresh Cirrus CI Semaphore Wercker Buddy Shippable Travis CI

Azure DevOps GitLab Pipeline BitBucket Pipeline AWS CodeBuild GCP Cloud Build

Repo on Azure DevOps Repo on GitHub Repo on GitLab Repo on BitBucket ShellCheck JSON YAML XML Validation Semgrep Semgrep Cloud Kics

GitHub Actions Ubuntu Mac Mac 11 Mac 12 Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Debian Debian 8 Debian 9 Debian 10 CentOS CentOS 7 CentOS 8 Fedora Alpine Alpine 3

Perl versions Perl Perl 5.10 Perl 5.12 Perl 5.14 Perl 5.16 Perl 5.18 Perl 5.20 Perl 5.22 Perl 5.24 Perl 5.26 Perl 5.28 Perl 5.30 Perl 5.32 Perl 5.34

Perl library, full of lots of validation code and utility functions.

Needed for a lot of the programs I've written over the years. In fact my current main library was actually cobbled together from lots of pieces of code I wrote over the years since I found myself reusing common things over and over. This drastically reduces the amount of code and effort required to write new robust well validated code which is why it's used extensively throughout the portions of code you'll find on my GitHub account, especially all the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection which I've been developing for many years since 2006

Hari Sekhon

Cloud & Big Data Contractor, United Kingdom

My LinkedIn

(you're welcome to connect with me on LinkedIn)

Build + Unit Tests

make &&
make test

Continuous Integration is run on this repo to build and unit test it (Test::More, almost 800 unit tests).


Strict validations include host/domain/FQDNs using TLDs which are populated from the official IANA list, a snapshot of which is shipped as part of this project.

To update the bundled official IANA TLD list with the latest valid TLDs do

make tld
Custom TLDs

If using bespoke internal domains such as .local, .intranet, .vm, .cloud etc. that aren't part of the official IANA TLD list then this is additionally supported via a custom configuration file resources/custom_tlds.txt containing one TLD per line, with support for # comment prefixes. Just add your bespoke internal TLD to the file and it will then pass the host/domain/fqdn validations.

IO::Socket::SSL doesn't respect ignoring self-signed certs in recent version(s) eg. 2.020

Recent version(s) of IO::Socket::SSL (2.020) seem to fail to respect options to ignore self-signed certs. The workaround is to create the hidden touch file below in the same top-level directory as the library to make it include and use Net::SSL instead of IO::Socket::SSL.

touch .use_net_ssl

Related Repositories

Python and Java ports of this library can be found below - both with higher levels of code coverage testing:

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