OPC-UA-to-MQTT-Gateway copied to clipboard
Client for transferring OPC UA node data to an MQTT broker.
OPC UA -> MQTT Gateway client
The purpose of this client software is to allow the transfer of OPC UA node value data to a target MQTT broker.
I made it as an assignment for the class "network programming" at my school Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
- Compiler that supports C++11
- Qt 5.5
- FreeOpcUa library
- Boost libraries
- Mosquitto library
- C-Ares
- PThread
- OpenSSL
I personally used Qt 5.5 & MinGW32 4.9.2 while developing this and I only provide compiled library files for MinGW32 in this repository. Compiling & linking on linux shouldn't be an issue but you will probably struggle if you want to compile and link some of those libraries under Windows with MSVC.
Repository structure
- client_qt_project: This folder contains the source code of the client & Qt Creator project files.
- images: Contains images related to the gateway client project.
- libraries: This folder contains pre-compiled Windows library files for FreeOpcUa/Mosquitto & include headers.
UML Diagram, clientside relations
Very rough diagram showing the interaction between the MQTT & OPC UA client objects.
- Subscription to node data change events is made on the OpcUa-side via client GUI.
- Node value changes.
- DataChange event function is executed in OPCUASubClient object,
- Node value is transformed into a c-string (char *) & size of data is calculated.
- MQTTClient::publish(...) is called, arguments passed are topic, node value and size in bytes.
- Node value is published on the MQTT server.
- Topic is "ChosenMainTopic/NodeNamespace/NodeBrowseName"
- ChosenMainTopic can be changed via the client GUI.
Screenshot of client GUI
Screenshot of the Gateway client.
Screenshot showing the GUI of the client. Connected to a FreeOpcUa python server & a Mosquitto MQTT broker.