cookie-consent-bundle copied to clipboard
Unrecognized option "resource" under "ch_cookie_consent"
Hello, beginner question: I have followed the installation instructions and i get:
Unrecognized option "resource" under "ch_cookie_consent"
I am running Symfony 3.4.49. My app/config/routing.yml has this related entry:
ch_cookie_consent: resource: "@CHCookieConsentBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
Of course if i remove this entry from the config.yml I get:
Unable to generate a URL for the named route "" as such route does not exist.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Same problem here... one year later and nobody replied? How disappointing...
Try to add
resource: "@CHCookieConsentBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"
in config/routes.yaml
instead of app/config/routing.yml
or alternatively in config/routes/ch_cookie_consent.yaml
Now you can test routes by running php bin/console debug:router
and you should see the routes :
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------- ------ ------------------------------------------------
Name Method Scheme Host Path
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------- ------ ------------------------------------------------ ANY ANY ANY /cookie_consent
ch_cookie_consent.show_if_cookie_consent_not_set ANY ANY ANY /cookie_consent_alt