Hadrian Tang

Results 571 comments of Hadrian Tang

#306: Update the demo to 0.7.13 @jiggzson This is important for others to not mistakenly think that the library is missing something implemented in 0.7.13.

Thanks, but putting solveEquations([x+y=3,3x+4y=3]) into demo results in TypeError: symbol.clone is not a function.

pfactor(78202389238903801/240831735646702201) => ​((23^2)⋅(21336787^​2))/​((2803^​2)⋅(99767^2)) (checks DECIMAL) => ​((529)⋅(455258479483369))/​((7856809)⋅(9953454289)) Should not expand the squares like the actual library.

>By definition a decimal number is a*10^n. Why would 23^2 not be expanded to 529 if you check decimal box? Why go half way then? Why don't literally return 0.32471795724474595?...

@jiggzson Let me rephrase. DECIMAL should only convert numeric fractions to numeric decimals. Switching this on causes the return value of pfactor to lose information about the powers on primes,...

solveEquations([a+b=1,a-b=2]) demo=> [[a,3/2],[b,−1/2]] There is an extra layer of square brackets not actually present in the result.

"Try it out" button is not present on home page when viewed on mobile ![Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/jFD9Vbw.png) Expand button not aligned with other buttons when screen width is too small ![Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/sUEXuf8.png)

My answers: 1. 52 2. 1 3. 322 4. a 5. 1 6. 1 7. 10/(3x)+5/(4y)=1/z 8. 6/z 9. 1

These set of questions are the primary motivation for #233.

Sorry I was not free yesterday, but was there a message about creating a wish list...? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19922066/30856248-5e86217e-a2ea-11e7-88be-c23673386bd7.png)