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uC Power Consumption and sleep mode
Hey! First of all thank you very much for releasing this awesome firmware! I have a question regarding power consumption.
I am planning on building a wearable BLE keyboard for outdoor scenaria, where a low power consumption is important for battery life. This would mean in my project I would like to rely on embassys interrupt-triggered pin level change notifications to allow the uC to go to sleep when no key is pressed and whenever the BLE stack permits this. Getting this right could enable a half-year battery-life (or so) on a button cell or so.
From afar rmk looks like perfect fit for the software for this project. However, as far as I understand the project, rmk will currently regularly poll the keyboard GPIO pins for their level instead of relying on embassy's interrupt-triggered async GPIO pin implementation to be notified on changes of the pin levels:
This would imply the uC cannot/does not go to a lower power level in between key presses, and would cause a "high" (in terms of what is possible for mobile scenaria) power consumption. Is that correct? Is this something you would like to improve?
I'm not sure I know enough about DIY keyboards to be able to drive a new, fully async implementation here (I think an async implementation would need quite some work on the debouncing/post-processing side), but would you be open to PRs on this topic?
Thank you in advance and best regards!
Yes, rmk now does the traditional polling way when scanning pin matrix. It is because rmk was wired only before I migrated the whole project to embassy.
It should be possible to rewrite matrix scanning in an async way, but there are two issues to be solved:
how to perform async scanning when it comes to a key matrix? things become a little bit more complex if there are more than one keys are pressed simultaneously
how to perform async per-key deboucing? I couldn't find any reference for it
If above issues could be solved I'm very glad to migrate to async implementation. And I always open for PRs which about this😄
Just some info to share: I did some measurement on power consumption, the idle power consumption is about 5ma when doing advertising, and 7ma after connected for nrf52840. It could be saved a lot if we had sleep mode,that's for sure.
I just opened a PR which achieves relatively lower power consumption(~700ua when idle, and ~6ma when sending BLE keyboard report). For a 1500mah battery, the estimated battery life is ~2months.
This PR is what I can achieve for now, I still have no idea about the full async way of processing the matrix scanning..