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Is there a way to cancel all pending jobs in a named queue?

Open JustMaier opened this issue 9 years ago • 29 comments

Is there a way to cancel all pending jobs in a named queue?

JustMaier avatar Jul 03 '15 00:07 JustMaier

So I don't know if this is the best way to do this, but I found two ways of doing this.

The first one is pretty slow:

var monitoringApi = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();
var queues = monitoringApi.Queues();
var toDelete = new List<string>();
for (var i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling((double)(queue.Length/1000)) ; i++) {
    monitoringApi.EnqueuedJobs(queue.Name, 1000 * i, 1000).ForEach(x => toDelete.Add(x.Key));

foreach (var jobId in toDelete) {

This one is much faster, but feels kind of hacky and doesn't leave a job as deleted.

db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format(@"DELETE j FROM HangFire.Job AS j
    LEFT JOIN HangFire.JobQueue AS jq ON jq.JobId=j.Id
    WHERE jq.[Queue]='{0}' AND (StateName='Enqueued');
    DELETE FROM HangFire.JobQueue WHERE [Queue]='{0}';", queue.Name));

JustMaier avatar Jul 03 '15 03:07 JustMaier

Great tip, thanks. To save future googlers some time,

var monitor = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();
var queues = monitor.Queues();

danodonovan avatar Aug 25 '15 15:08 danodonovan

@danodonovan Updated my little example to include that. Sorry if I made you search for that...

JustMaier avatar Aug 25 '15 16:08 JustMaier

Throwing it all together

    public static class HangfireExtensions
        public static void PurgeJobs(this IMonitoringApi monitor)
            var toDelete = new List<string>();

            foreach (QueueWithTopEnqueuedJobsDto queue in monitor.Queues())
                for (var i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling(queue.Length / 1000d); i++)
                    monitor.EnqueuedJobs(queue.Name, 1000 * i, 1000)
                        .ForEach(x => toDelete.Add(x.Key));

            foreach (var jobId in toDelete)

Called with:


JamieG avatar Feb 04 '16 16:02 JamieG

@JustMaier Is this still the best way to do this?

markalanevans avatar Jul 27 '16 00:07 markalanevans

@markalanevans as far as I know. I never got a different response or saw anything different...

JustMaier avatar Jul 27 '16 00:07 JustMaier

@JustMaier So this looks like it would delete all jobs in all queues. Ideally we could specify a queue name right?

markalanevans avatar Jul 27 '16 02:07 markalanevans

You can modify @JamieG's code to purge a queue by name. Just FYI - from my experience, the SQL query is actually way more performant if you have more than 100 or so items in the queue.

JustMaier avatar Jul 27 '16 15:07 JustMaier

Right. Below is what i ended up with. It is very slow, and while it does work, you do have to have a worker running and monitoring each queue otherwise the jobs state changes to deleted but they don't actually get moved into the "Deleted" bucket in the Dashboard.

I wanted to use the methods because otherwise when we switch to redis it won't work. @odinserj is there a faster way to do this while still using the methods provided?

public class JobService : IJobService
        public void PurgeAllQueues()
            var monitor = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();
            foreach (QueueWithTopEnqueuedJobsDto queue in monitor.Queues())

        public void PurgeQueue(string queueName)
            var toDelete = new List<string>();
            var monitor = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();

            var queue = monitor.Queues().First(x => x.Name == queueName);
            for (var i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling(queue.Length / 1000d); i++)
                monitor.EnqueuedJobs(queue.Name, 1000 * i, 1000)
                    .ForEach(x => toDelete.Add(x.Key));
            foreach (var jobId in toDelete)

markalanevans avatar Jul 27 '16 18:07 markalanevans

I thought the proposed code above will reset the recurring jobs too, but it didn't So, I wrote my own method to reset recurring jobs at app Start, this is

public void ResetRecurringJobs(List<string> newJobIds)
    using (var connection = JobStorage.Current.GetConnection())
        var setKey = "recurring-jobs";
        var savedJobIds = connection.GetAllItemsFromSet(setKey);
        var missingJobsIds = savedJobIds.Except(newJobIds).ToList();

        foreach (var jobId in missingJobsIds)

AhmedMozaly avatar Oct 01 '16 13:10 AhmedMozaly

is JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi(); designed for designing custom job monitoring portals? I am thinking of having my own portal for the same. Is this the right implementation to go with or there is any other alternate method that serves me data in better way?

r4hulp avatar Oct 04 '16 15:10 r4hulp

Can someone clarify the 'slowness' part?

I would imagine the cancellation and thus deletion has to go through the cancellation tokens. So if you are using cancellation tokens on all your hangfire calls:

BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => ProcessRequestWorker(JobCancellationToken.Null, brokerRequest));

Is it faster or it doesn't make any difference?

And another thing, I suppose the polling intervals that the job servers use play a part on this process as well. If you use longer intervals for polls then it would obviously take longer to delete the jobs.

alexanderdevoid avatar Jan 20 '17 08:01 alexanderdevoid

@odinserj Thoughts on this? It would be really nice to have a button next to any queue with jobs in it and the ability to delete all jobs.

markalanevans avatar Jan 20 '17 19:01 markalanevans

Just using a direct SQL would be fastest wouldn't it ?

DELETE FROM [DatabaseName].[HangFire].[JobQueue]

zerokewl88 avatar May 03 '17 12:05 zerokewl88

@zerokewl88 if you're using sql-storage, yes. Not everyone is using sql storage :)

burningice2866 avatar May 03 '17 12:05 burningice2866

@rahulrulez if what you want to build exposes the same data as the existing dashboard, then you can use the MonitoringApi for sure. The existing dashboard solely relies on this.

burningice2866 avatar May 03 '17 12:05 burningice2866

DELETE FROM [DatabaseName].[HangFire].[JobQueue] WHERE QUEUE = 'your queue name' DELETE FROM [DatabaseName].[HangFire].Job where statename <> 'Enqueued'

elmer0927 avatar Jan 29 '18 06:01 elmer0927

@odinserj Any feedback here? What do you suggest for clearing a queue. BackgroundJob.EmptyQueue("queue-name") and make it fast?

markalanevans avatar Apr 12 '18 22:04 markalanevans

So i figured i'd contribute here as this was still somewhat of a pain point for me. In my situation we have a dev box where we don't care about the state of the redis database, we just want to wipe queued and recurring jobs so we don't get spammed a million times. We are using hangfire.aspnetcore. Simply doing:

        await db.KeyDeleteAsync("myPrefix:Hangfireschedule");
        await db.KeyDeleteAsync("myPrefix:Hangfirerecurring-jobs");

Did the trick for us. When a new job gets added, or recurring job scheduled, the zset is recreated properly and there are no issues. Hope this helps someone. (do not use this in prod).

Jon-Murray avatar Aug 08 '18 16:08 Jon-Murray

This works for my needs

var mon = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();
mon.EnqueuedJobs("printer",0,99999999).ForEach(x => {

searched for a minute but no solution worked the way i needed it. That there killed all fire and forget jobs which is what I needed.

quantumJLBass avatar Oct 25 '18 20:10 quantumJLBass

Addition on Redis, if you are just developing and getting errors because methods don't exist anymore deleting all hangfire entries in with redis-cli works too: redis-cli KEYS "{hangfire*" | xargs redis-cli DEL

elgerm avatar Apr 12 '19 11:04 elgerm

One way to magically watch your queued jobs disappear is to add a [LatencyTimeout] attribute to the job. In this case jobs queued longer than 2 minutes will get deleted and neatly marked with Background job has exceeded latency timeout of 120 second(s)

    [Hangfire.LatencyTimeout(60 * 2)]

In my case I had a named queue that wasn't active, so a bunch of jobs accumulated - for days! Adding this attribute made them all just disappear before my eyes in the console.

For 'background jobs' that aren't transactional in nature it looks like it's important to add this LatencyTimeout to make sure the job doesn't run more than it should.

Yes you can add this to an existing job.

simeyla avatar Nov 08 '19 06:11 simeyla

DELETE FROM [DatabaseName].[HangFire].[JobQueue] WHERE QUEUE = 'your queue name' DELETE FROM [DatabaseName].[HangFire].Job where statename <> 'Enqueued'

where statename = 'Enqueued'?

Recodify avatar Jul 28 '20 06:07 Recodify

So I think you need to delete the Jobs, and then the JobQueues - I can't find this in the documentation but it works for me. First find what your queue is called by exploring the Hangfire.Job table, then run this pair of queries after adding your queue name where indicated:

DECLARE @Queue varchar(40) = 'j_queue_medium' -- CHANGE THIS QUEUE NAME AS REQUIRED

DELETE HangFire.Job FROM HangFire.Job INNER JOIN HangFire.JobQueue ON HangFire.Job.Id = HangFire.JobQueue.JobId WHERE (HangFire.JobQueue.Queue = @Queue)

DELETE FROM [HangFire].[JobQueue] WHERE QUEUE = @Queue

UnwashedAnd avatar Oct 07 '20 13:10 UnwashedAnd

So I don't know if this is the best way to do this, but I found two ways of doing this.

The first one is pretty slow:

var monitoringApi = JobStorage.Current.GetMonitoringApi();
var queues = monitoringApi.Queues();
var toDelete = new List<string>();
for (var i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling((double)(queue.Length/1000)) ; i++) {
    monitoringApi.EnqueuedJobs(queue.Name, 1000 * i, 1000).ForEach(x => toDelete.Add(x.Key));

foreach (var jobId in toDelete) {

This one is much faster, but feels kind of hacky and doesn't leave a job as deleted.

db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format(@"DELETE j FROM HangFire.Job AS j
    LEFT JOIN HangFire.JobQueue AS jq ON jq.JobId=j.Id
    WHERE jq.[Queue]='{0}' AND (StateName='Enqueued');
    DELETE FROM HangFire.JobQueue WHERE [Queue]='{0}';", queue.Name));

I am using hangfire 1.7.6 Enqued and Processing jobs from any unexpected shutdown causing an issue So trying deleting them using the above method Creating a separate recurring job just before my actual job to clear the jobs with processing and pending Issue I am facing here using the Monitoring APi is I am not getting any Queues monitorapi.Queues() =0 With second option issues is JobQueue table is locked and Does not return the control back from the program

thatiparthy-git avatar Jun 10 '21 04:06 thatiparthy-git

@odinserj is this still the best way to handle this nowadays?

defunky avatar Jan 25 '22 22:01 defunky

It is unsafe to run any custom queries against tables in Hangfire – it doesn't expects such an uncontrolled thing and some features can be broken, like continuations or batches for example. Hangfire should be able to handle completion of each individual background job to preserve its "at least once" guarantees.

The best way to handle this feature is to design some job filter that's working the same way as the LatencyTimeoutAttribute referenced above, but instead of comparing some dates it should compare some global flag either in Hangfire's job storage or in somewhere else.

odinserj avatar Jan 27 '22 12:01 odinserj

@odinserj Once job is in Processing state, when will the OnStateElection method be invoked again? I was hoping LatencyTimeoutAttribute could mark as Deleted all the jobs that were in processing state when server unexpectedly shut down for an example.

cl-msmolcic avatar Feb 01 '22 18:02 cl-msmolcic

After unexpected shutdown, sooner or later the job is re-queued. Once some another worker picks it up for processing, eject state filters are invoked again for Processing → Processing state change. So latency filter will delete such a job.

odinserj avatar Feb 02 '22 05:02 odinserj

The first one is pretty slow:

Right. Below is what i ended up with. It is very slow.

Can someone clarify the 'slowness' part?

I've inherited a system which uses the GetMonitoringApi() versions of the code above to reset tasks on AppStartup. (So thank you, from my predecessors, to those who worked out the solutions above :D )

We've recently started seeing massive hang times on startup of secondary servers when running this code - as in 5-20 minutes! So far it's only ever occurred on the secondary server - i.e. it seems to happen when one server running Hangfire setup is already active, and a second server tries to start up, sharing the same database. We haven't tried reversing the start-up sequence to verify that it's ordinal, not hardware, (yet) but I'd be surprised if it didn't show what I expected.


  • When people talked about slowness, what sort of scale of slowness were they talking about? This same scale, or have I got something drastically outside the ordinary?
  • Does anyone know why it might only affect the 2nd server to start running?
  • Does anyone already know exactly which line of the code is slow? There's a hypothesis offered above that it's the Delete() but no active confirmation of that.

I've added logging around each line of the process so I'll find out myself the next time it happens, and report back.

My first thought to fix is to try to make the cleanup asynchronous ... using Hangfire itself? i.e. collect all JobIds to be deleted (Eagerly) and then loop through them, but instead of doing BackgroundJob.Delete(jobId); actually do BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() =>BackgroundJob.Delete(jobId)); would that ... work?

It seems ... idk ... somehow a little too self-referential to be entirely safe. @odinserj , do you have any thoughts about whether this is an actively dangerous idea? (Not sure I have TechDebt budget to implement proper LatencyTimeout-derived solution that you describe above.)

Brondahl avatar Oct 18 '22 09:10 Brondahl