Hammad Saeed Khan
Hammad Saeed Khan
> I added the BreadcrumbService as constructor paramter of my AppModule and it worked. So I think the problem is that the service is initialized to late. > > https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-xng-breadcrumbs-xkivgs?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.routing.module.ts...
@AnkitaMalik22 Kindly review my PR, and merge it.
> > @AnkitaMalik22 Kindly review my PR, and merge it. > > You need to do some changes > > * add dark / light mode icon instead of writing...
Profile added [#73 ](https://github.com/AnkitaMalik22/devmate/pull/73) PR generated.
@NazimFilzer assign this issue to me, please.