Hamlin Li
Hamlin Li
> Thanks for adjusting the IR rules! > > I still have trouble reviewing your input value generation, and a few other comments. > > Thanks for the work you...
> Thanks for the changes, the comments help! > > You could still use full names, rather than `e` and `f`. > > Left a few comments. There are a...
> > For inf, the probability is 2 in all runs (+inf, -inf); for NaN, the probability is (eStep/eBound) (but depends on rand value), in new version I modify it...
Hey @eme64 , Can you have another look? Thanks!
Seems we have no different opinions on test of Double? Maybe it's good to push Double test first if you don't object? @eme64 @theRealAph
/label core-libs
Hey, Is someone available to have a look at this pure test addition? Thanks!
> Thanks for the extra tests! > Thanks for reviewing. > Can you measure how much time each test now takes on your machine? > Only TestRoundVectorFloatAll.java took longer, but...
Thanks for working on this. Just one question, currently in `sleefinline_{advsimd,sve}.h` there is `#define SLEEF_ALWAYS_INLINE inline`, but what expected is something like `#define SLEEF_ALWAYS_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))` (please check https://github.com/shibatch/sleef/pull/537 for...
> Looks like that change is not yet in a released version of SLEEF, and in particular not in 3.6. > > We do need updated approvals when we pick...