
Results 26 comments of Hamed

Thank you. It's a good suggestion and we will consider it in development backlog but as you mentioned it shouldn't be the only way to label tokens. Currently, we are...

After internal discussions, we decided to move this suggestion to _backlog_ because in this stage we need more contributors and we don't have any spam problem yet. so we will...

like I mentioned in #14, after internal discussions, we decided to move this suggestion to _backlog_ because in this stage we need more contributors and we don't have any spam...

لطفاً پیشنهادات در خصوص بهبود تجربه کاربری را توضیح دهید

That's a good point. We will fix this. Thanks for the report

![capture](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1385656/52325694-3b4ddf00-29fb-11e9-9cf7-61013d47d7de.PNG) We can change names but apparently, this is deeper than we thought and social login libs have some hardcoded cookie names too like `.AspNet.Correlation.GitHub` and we couldn't find any...

@devSoheilAlizadeh Thanks. We use `Owin.Security.Providers.GitHub` for Github login integration. If you know any way to customize cookie name in this lib please let us know, we appreciate it.

فونت خاصی هست که مواردی که مد نظرتون هست رو داشته باشه؟

ممنون بررسی می‌کنیم. فعلاً برای شروع کمی اندازه پیکسلی فونت موجود را بیشتر کردیم، تا نظر دوستان دیگر به خصوص فعالان فونت فارسی را جویا شویم ![capture](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1385656/49519062-627e1800-f8b5-11e8-8b12-0a5892de1349.PNG)