FEMultiPlayer-V2 copied to clipboard
Assassin "Disarm" Skill
Give them the ability to steal weaponry. ~~Just this alone gives Assassins a major niche. We haven't yet thought of a way someone could abuse this... but there's probably a way to abuse this.~~
Updated: testing in "Aq" branch, they should be able to only dequip an enemy unit for a turn, no actual stealing.
Assassins can't / really shouldn't have Steal though (because it's OP when considering they have Lethality), that's the trade-off and tactical choice one has to make for having Lethality.
I feel Steal + Lethality is OP because even though the Assassin would expose him/herself to attack, opponent would then have to place themself in a form of double jeopardy by worrying about if they'll lose a unit to Lethality when trying to stop the assassin from doing anymore damage - as if losing your weapon wasn't bad enough.
Proposed Compromise:
A.) Implement the other 2nd tier promotional route for Thief, which is Rogue (for more class / unit choices as sprites of this class from FE8 exist - perhaps letting the player pick which 2nd tier class they want for a unit like Matthew during Unit Selection), who can steal.
B.) Or, as a compromise if we're consolidating job classes, we can nerf Lethality by swapping it with it's cousin (used by the Whisper class - 3rd tier thief) Bane, which reduces the target to 1 HP.
P.S. Sorry for any inbox spam if you're notified about comment edits. :-(
@SapphireTactician its fine. For now, the community has agreed to let them just make this de-equip an enemy unit for a single turn. I'll change the OP to reflect this.
We decided against rogue because in a game with an assassin + swordmaster, having both with similar moves plus a utility unit would defeat the purpose of having swordmasters.
We decided against rogue because in a game with an assassin + swordmaster, having both with similar moves plus a utility unit would defeat the purpose of having swordmasters.
Not necessarily, Swordmasters have the Astra skill and higher Str, Def and Res making them a safer bet. Assassins are meant to be glass cannons (hit hard and fast, have possible OHKO, but break easily) - far more delicate than Swordmasters. We can further highlight this by implementing knives and daggers while taking away the Assassin's ability to use swords if GBA sprites exist for that - would give a good reason to add Sothe.
Also, if weapon weight ever becomes a thing, Swordmasters also can wield heavier weapons than a Rogue can without incurring a speed penalty. It's no biggie though, but I'd love to see all class options represented eventually.