FEMultiPlayer-V2 copied to clipboard
Rearrange ClientLobbyStage's visuals
- Reduces the amount of space used for drawing players, especially since in the common case there will not be more than eight players, much less eight players on each team. And we seem to be leaning towards making spectators less relevant anyway.
- Increase space for game setting, and show more of those game settings. The space is still finite though
- Show a minimap of the selected level
- Move buttons to area vacated by the game settings
- The chat box and the map's right edges are not aligned vertically
- I'm not sure about the X layout for the buttons, it would probably be better to have the spectate button aligned to the left like blue and ready, even if it leaves an unused bit of space
- That bit of space could be used for an options button
- The map's drawing is not centered in the component
- The map is also kinda not representative of the actual map. I wasn't recognizing plains at first. This might just be because I'm not familiar with the maps though.
- The players component... I don't really know how to say it. It seems a little hard to read at a glance? I would add a line separating the different teams, like so (Note: it's black and thick because that's what paint defaulted to, I don't actually know what would be a good color to use here)
- With too many modifiers, I'm guessing the info tab would overflow. If we're redoing this part of the UI, might as well fix that once and for all.
- I'm guessing this is also the reason behind the slightly strange presentation of unit sight. It's not clear that the first number refers to normal units and the second one refers to thieves.