Hakan Altındağ

Results 56 comments of Hakan Altındağ

> I came to the conclusion that there are some benefits in that approach after reading OpenJDK's NewSunx509 key manager's source code. They wrote "explicitly designed to accommodate KeyStores that...

the solution of cloudfoundry is also a nice one, I also discovered that Elasticsearch has their own custom solution as well, see here: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/be7c7415627377a1b795400fb8dfcc6cbdf0e322/x-pack/plugin/core/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/xpack/core/ssl/SSLService.java

I get your point, but some projects use other KeyManagers/TrustManagers implementation for a their own specific reasons for example from IBM, Google Conscrypt, Bouncy Castle and maybe other companies or...

Hi @vietj I also did an attempt to support this out of the box within Vertx, you can find here my latest changes on the PR https://github.com/eclipse-vertx/vert.x/pull/4453. It is inspired...

I think it might be possible. I just analysed the client and it looks like the JedisPooled has an option to set the SSLSocketFactory. So no need to create a...

Hi Phill, it is indeed some time ago but the issue is still present. I am using the website which pulls my repo with a webhook. So I am not...

Hi @sydseter The scope of the dependency has been specified here: https://github.com/Hakky54/sslcontext-kickstart/blob/56c391778391b446e40487e91207afc4bc23683e/pom.xml#L119 By the time when I created this issue it was also like that. I define the scope within...

After waiting for 2 years I decided to drop Snyk for my opensource projects. I don't expect that the maintainers will fix the issue soon. I also don't want to...

Hi guys, I noticed this discussion as I have been working on this feature for different servers like Spring and Netty for GRPC and the same configuration works for Akka...

I have a working example here: [GitHub - Reloading SSL with Quarkus](https://github.com/Hakky54/java-tutorials/tree/main/instant-server-ssl-reloading-with-quarkus) It contains code snippets on how to provide your own ssl configuration and supply that to the underlying...