Hajo Rijgersberg
Hajo Rijgersberg
Hi Kai, Sorry for my late response; I must have overlooked your message. Thanx for it and your intentions of course! :) I hope to quickly come back to this...
Sorry again it took a (too long) while... Some while ago I have corrected W sr-1 m-1 Hz-1 manually. In the mean time I have become familiar with Git. @dr-shorthair...
Thanx Kai, that's (again) a very valuable hint! :) I'll definitely consider this option when I may have to standardize different formats used with/in OM. Cool work (again) of James's!
A request in the browser such as http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/resource/om-2/ApplicationArea gets you to the HTML ontology page. Note that the page was redirected to http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/page/om-2/ApplicationArea. If you click on the download button...
Thanks Jan-Martin, I'm looking into this. Can't seem to specify any header so far.. :/
Indeed, there seems to be an issue here. I'll look into this.
Hi Florian, Thank you so much! I have forwarded your issue to Don, who knows a lot about astronomy. Hope to get back to your issue soon! Best, Hajo
Hi Al, Thanks for this overview! I think the sources you've mentioned are very suitable to base our design on. I've looked at GUM and VIM before, but it's been...
P.S.: Proposal (from my side) for a measure representing a mean and a standard deviation: om:MeanStandardDeviationMeasure, with properties: - om:hasMeanNumericalValue - om:hasStandardDeviationNumericalValue - om:hasUnit
OM 1 used to have definition_descrition for scales, a text field like (for the CelsiusScale): t90/°C = T90/K - 273.15 The line is still in OM 2, but commented out....