Hajo Rijgersberg

Results 229 comments of Hajo Rijgersberg

Thanks for the interest in OM! Just ran into this thread and I want to read all of it. I was pointed to the comment of dr. Short Hair above....

I have studied your great diagram above, Damion, https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4000582/56243972-a72e7280-6050-11e9-8277-fcad93ad58e7.png. It seems that OBI+UO and OM resemble a lot, as far as the definition of classes is concerned. For example, 'scalar...

Thanks, Damion! Clear. With that 'unit' class indeed UO and OM look even more like each other. Indeed. OM expresses units in terms of base units (SI base units are...

> OM has 277 individuals of rdf:type om:Unit in https://github.com/HajoRijgersberg/OM/blob/master/om-2.0.rdf No, you should also count the different compound units (unit multiplications, unit divisions, and unit exponentiations) and prefixed units. In...

Sounds interesting, but to understand you 100%, what do you mean with 'cache'? And with 'the primitive ones' and 'terminals' you mean the base units such as metre, second, etc.?...

Clear, thanks. Still, derived units such as joule, newton, etc. can not be generated automatically. How do you see that? And because stable URIs are essential, we should explicitly define...

Hey Simon, just checking for my full understanding: an opaque IRI is an IRI with human-understandable terms in it? And a non-opaque IRI is like a code (which human beings...

Personally, I do think we should define "all" possible compound (prefixed) units. If people have to define them themselves, we will encounter similar definitions, that _just_ deviate a bit from...

Yes, I think so. That could definitely be automated. Kai could incorporate it into his algorithms, although it anticipates the opaque/non-opaque discussion.

Thanks for this issue. It's a very important issue. I have to think about how to arrange this because g is actually a quantity, not a unit. It's a constant....