Hajime Kawahara
Hajime Kawahara
See #365
Also, we would include scattering. We can use `jax.lax.linalg.tridiagonal_solve` to solve the two-stream equations. See [an example](https://gist.github.com/HajimeKawahara/2f04acf15985f327e56fcd19eb985846).
in `twostream` branch, I am now developing the two stream solver (Toom/SH type). This is the first example of the comparison with the pure absorption (using LART). It looks fine....
```python from jax.config import config config.update("jax_enable_x64", True) ``` The use of f64 looks avoids this problem.
Section 2: https://arxiv.org/pdf/0902.4182.pdf
Table 1 in 0902.4182.pdf - [ ] H bound-bound, Stark broadening (H–H+, H−e−) Ni(H) 0902.4182.pdf - [ ] H bound-bound, quasi-molecular (H–H, H–H+) N(H) Allard et al. (2004) - [...
This is a bit difficult problem but important for long time development. Writing some test code for api.py in ExoJAX, and importing these tests to radis? In general, writing the...
back to this issue. See [exojax #462](https://github.com/HajimeKawahara/exojax/pull/462) Maybe you are right. We need to make the unittest of ExoJAX/api in `exojax`? One thing I need to know is about making...
Thanks. It looks there is no ExoMol fragment file available in [radis.test.utils.getTestFile](https://radis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/radis.test.utils.html#radis.test.utils.getTestFile). Then, I will use a fragment ExoMol file in exojax.