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Some issues
Hello, I'm having some problems while using the source.
PC ubuntu 20.04 ROS1 noetic (While configuring Ubuntu 16.04 using Docker as written in the text, it failed with an eigen error. When configuring Docker 18.04, the same error below occurred too.)
When running GTmapping_nclt.launch, there is a problem with the phrase "~~~~/home/USER/catkin_ws/src/FAST_LIO/".
After successful mapping, press ctrl+c to exit as shown below. There is a problem where the keyframe pose is not saved.
- It seems that temporary mapping does not work in the localization module. Please check if the photo is working properly.
thank you.
3. e check if
hello,could you please tell me you have solved the problem or not ?i meet the same questions
- e check if
hello,could you please tell me you have solved the problem or not ?i meet the same questions
Hello, i haven't solved it yet
Hello, I feel from your description that you have solved the first problem,about running GTmapping_nclt.launch,how did you solve it, thank you very much