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Static Analysis Compiler Plugin for Scala

Results 22 linter issues
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Is there a version that works with Scala 2.13 ?

travis-ci no longer support oraclejdk7

Linting the following code: ``` package pkg sealed trait Base case object Sub extends pkg.Base ``` would incorrectly yield: ``` [warn] /tmp/linter/src/main/scala/Test.scala:3: [UnextendedSealedTrait] This sealed trait is never extended [warn]...

Use of the parboiled2 library which uses scala macros causes a MergeNestedIfs warnings at every rule declaration ``` Parser.scala:6: warning: [MergeNestedIfs] These two nested ifs can be merged into one....

Consider ``` @tailrec private def f(x: Widget, token: Option[String] = None): Boolean = { if (foo) true else Option(x.getNextToken) match { case None => false case Some(tok) => f(x, Some(tok))...

``` sealed trait HttpStatusCode { val intValue: Int } object HttpStatusCode { private type T = HttpStatusCode case object BadRequest extends T { val intValue = 400 } case object...

With version 0.1.17, I get a false positive with the following code: ``` def test1(s: StringBuilder): Boolean = { if (s != null) { val trimmed = s.toString.trim trimmed.nonEmpty }...

Can't write this code using foreach since it is using tailrec. Can't think of another way to write this without using null. ``` @tailrec final def tick(name: String, time: FiniteDuration):...

For example, the below cause the error "Inferred type Map[String,Any]. (This might not be what you've intended)". Since the method is defined as returning Map[String, Any] I would think this...