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Stop duplicate images with random seed
I've put a lot of effort in trying to prevent a race condition between workers picking up the same request with the same seed, and therefore returning two identical images.
Each API node gets a random seed at init from the system randomizer and it starts with 0.5 secs delay to avoid thjem getting the same time-based-seed.
Each time a waiting prompt is picked up, I lock its row in the DB, check that it still has n > 0, and only then continue
def start_generation(self, worker):
# We have to do this to lock the row for updates, to ensure we don't have racing conditions on who is picking up requests
myself_refresh = db.session.query(type(self)).filter(type(self).id ==, type(self).n > 0).with_for_update().first()
if not myself_refresh:
return None
myself_refresh.n -= 1
procgen_class = procgen_classes[self.wp_type]
new_gen = procgen_class(,
return self.get_pop_payload(new_gen)
And the seed of each job is only set as it's being picked up.
And I still get duplicate generations all too often!
This someone is for someone who suggests a practical solution to prevent this