Benjamin Herfort
Benjamin Herfort
@tyrasd will check if this is still the case.
a quick update about this: We are currently re-evaluating the option to run spatial queries within OSHDB, but are not yet decided if and how this will happen. Spatial queries...
Hey @Robot8A , thanks for reaching out here and flagging this potential enhancement. We will discuss with our team how feasible this change is within the current ohsome API. You...
@ElJocho maybe this is already addressed in the project creation workflow. but probably you can just double check at some point in time. :)
the docs are currently available here: it would be good to update the structure of the docs to make it easier for developers and project managers where to look...
* [ ] write down how we want to query the database
query: ``` select date_trunc('day', start_time) as day ,sum(items_count) from mapping_sessions ms where project_id = '-NFNr55R_LYJvxP7wmte' group by day order by day ``` result: ``` 2022-11-18 00:00:00.000 13008 2022-11-19 00:00:00.000 65850...
we should also double check how easy one can run the integration tests locally.
When it comes to mapping speed, Firebase shows the number of groups completed per day. This could be a rough indicator. E.g. during the past days we've seen an increase...
Hey @laurentS @Matthias-Schaub , it would be great to get an opinion from you on this. :)