
Results 23 comments of Hackmastr

@euantorano quick reply, or reply page

@euantorano now its showing ``` php strtr(): The second argument is not an array ``` As i'm new to PHP and Laravel(even more), I fail to fix this _edit_: ```...

@euantorano is this a good fix? ``` php { ... # Array smilies $smilies[] = $this->smileys->getParseableSmileys(); if (empty($smilies)) { return $message; } // TODO: this is mycode but it's not...

No PHP? That would suck :P I'm using Datagram to get logs now: ```php $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $factory = new React\Datagram\Factory($loop); $factory->createServer("{$bind_addr}:{$bind_port}")->then(function (React\Datagram\Socket $server) use ($addr, $port){ $server->send('hello', "{$addr}:{$port}"); //...

Hello, after some debugging it seems like after a while I got this error: ```json {"Response":"Error","Message":"You are over your rate limit please upgrade your account!","HasWarning":false,"Type":99,"RateLimit":{"calls_made":{"second":1,"minute":7,"hour":115,"day":120,"month":62582,"total_calls":77902},"max_calls":{"second":20,"minute":300,"hour":3000,"day":7500,"month":50000}},"Data":{}} ``` Basically we reached the...

Looks like @RenanMsV has done that. If he's still active maybe he can release it, if he's not I'll merge his into mine and release it.

Thanks @cousinit99 for the suggestion! I took look at it, but sadly it only supports USD and BTC for current prices. I'll be using this one: https://www.coingecko.com/en/api.

> Check if the API keeps the current value cached and for how long. I couldn't find any cache hints on the api docs.

The tray doesn't work for me either. Running Rainmete beta. However, the Spotify module works. Make sure you have WebNowPlaying installed. I don't have the little blurry background working...