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Enough exp to level up, enough damage to get killed
General Info
- UUID: a05dda3d-3343-4633-8853-05426ffa951b
- Browser: Mozilla Firefox 51.0.1
- OS: macOS Sierra 10.12.2
Quest: Vice Part 3: Vice Awakens (1000 exp, 100 gold, other stuff) My level before finishing the quest: 52 When the boss was killed, I got enough experience to level up to level 53, but also enough damage to get killed. As result, I lost all my gold and my level dropped to 51 (0 exp). I think the outcome should have been one of the following two:
- I get all the rewards and level up to level 53, then die and go back to level 52;
- I die and go back to level 51, then get the rewards and end up with 1000 exp and 100 gold.
Console Errors
The correct order of operations should be:
- The player dies, loses a level, and loses all their current gold.
- The player receives the benefits for the quest, including XP and gold, and gets to keep those going forward.
This is pretty old, but I'll see if I can repro this/fix it if it's still there.
My first attempt to reproduce this with debug resulted in killing the boss, but not inflicting any damage for missing dailies at all--it appears that part of Cron might have been skipped? It's worth mentioning that this was after I manually set Cron, on the same day that the account was created. Unfortunately, I won't have time to further investigate, so I would encourage any other volunteers to go ahead and make their own attempts at this bug.
tl;dr: Bug couldn't be reproduced, might have been masked by other, related bugs. Will be leaving this issue to the next volunteer.
@Germlord Was the Start Date of the Dailies set to be in the past? If it wasn't, then cron would have correctly ignored them. I.e., if you created a test Daily today, it's default start date would have been today. If you did not change the Start Date to yesterday or earlier, then when you caused cron to run today, cron would have seen that the test Daily was not due yesterday, and so it would have ignored it.
I'll try fixing this
@lilithi Thanks! Please go ahead and post here if you have questions.
@lilithi Hi there! Are you still working on this one? If not, or if you don't reply within a week, we're going to mark this as "help wanted" again to make sure people know it's available to work on. Thanks!
Go ahead and change it to help wanted. Unfortunately I've not had the time to mess with it
Hello, still need help with this issue?