generator-chrome-extension-kickstart icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
generator-chrome-extension-kickstart copied to clipboard

Version 5 ROADMAP

Open HaNdTriX opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

This is just a collection of thinks I would like to see in Version 5

  • [ ] Switch from Gulp to Taskr
  • [ ] Remove Image Optimisation
  • [ ] Add chromereload to watch task via manifest change
  • [ ] Improve documentation
  • [ ] Reduce amount of tasks
  • [ ] Rename to generator-webextension or similar
  • [ ] Improve tests
  • [ ] Add jest test task
  • [ ] Add better logo
  • [ ] Split into multiple yeoman generators
  • [ ] Add polyfill/ponyfill spec and examples
  • [ ] Add artworks for all vendors

Currently I don't have the time to tackle these Issues. So if someone from the community wants to take over, feel free to drop me a note!

HaNdTriX avatar Aug 02 '17 22:08 HaNdTriX

Hey, seems like it will be a big update. May I know the rationale behind all these changes?

yxliang01 avatar Aug 19 '17 05:08 yxliang01

HaNdTriX avatar Jan 13 '18 02:01 HaNdTriX