Henrik Wenz

Results 51 comments of Henrik Wenz

This is a known Issue and is being discussed in https://github.com/vercel/next.js/discussions/41745#discussioncomment-3973420 **Background:** If you navigate inside nested layouts, Next.js needs to restore the scroll position or scroll the loaded element...

If that component has a DOM Node to reference and if React would expose an API like findDOMNode that might be possible. Please note that this issue is not trivial,...

In chromium based browsers you might use the new native navigation api, though this doesn't work in Firefox or Safari 🤔. ```js useEffect(() => { const { navigation } =...

The issue is not directly related to electron-serve. The problem, is related to the new scheme you are using. Most devtools are based on WebSocket connections. Often these connections are...

**File:** `webextension-toolbox-config.js` ```js const webpack = require('webpack') module.exports = { webpack: (config, env) => { // Remove ProvidePlugin config.plugins = config.plugins.filter(plugin => !(plugin instanceof webpack.ProvidePlugin)) return config } } ```

That worked for me: ``` combokeys.stopCallback = function(){ return false; }; ``` http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21013866/mousetrap-bind-is-not-working-when-field-is-in-focus

## 1. [serve](https://github.com/vercel/serve) `serve` is just a very simple static web server. Afaik it has nothing to do with electron. ## 2. [electron-serve](https://github.com/sindresorhus/electron-serve) `electron-serve` is acually pretty similar to next-electron-server....

### Alternative fyi: You can use jsdoc to get at least some type support: ```js /* @typedef {import('@playwright/test')} Playwright */ /** * flow * @param {Playwright.Page} page */ async function...

This module doesn't care about typescript. Nevertheless it has some basic type definitions to make the use more convenient. If you want to use typescript: - use [next.js typescript](https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/typescript) conventions...