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Read OpenStreetMap data from Protobuf files into GeoDataFrame with Python, faster.
filter busway for cycling
Hi! In the Netherlands we have a lot of cycleways and many are one way (directional) like the following example in Amsterdam: As it's only possible to force...
I downloaded directly from .pbf file. I run the following code: `from pyrosm import OSM` `osm = OSM(filepath=".../sudeste-latest.osm.pbf")` `roads = osm.get_network(network_type="driving")` And return this error: File "/home/user/miniconda3/envs/.../lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyrosm/", line 12,...
Hello. I was trying to parse a pbf file (approx. 65 mb) and I get an "out of memorry" error. I also have noticed that others have this issue as...
Hi, I am working with the OSM for Germany. I loaded the pbf.-file succesfully. However, converting the data into a graph is too time consuming. How can I speed up...
OSH.PBF contains full OSM history (metadata). It would be very useful for specific purposes to have the ability to read/understand how the OSM features have changed. Notes: - Downloading OSH.PBF...
Hey, I was trying to execute the example using the new york dataset as written in [documentation](, but I run out of memory. Config: - Colab Pro - RAM: 25...
Strangely enough it works just fine on my MacBook, my Ubuntu box has 4x the amount of RAM also.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm trying out the sample code from the official page `osm = pyrosm.OSM(get_data('Helsinki')) drive_net = osm.get_network(network_type="driving") drive_net.plot()` and get the error `CRSError: Invalid projection: epsg:4326: (Internal Proj Error: proj_create: no...