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Translate content into Simplified Chinese
These are the core templates - without which we cannot release any translated chapters. They are in the language specific templates directory:
- [x] base.html - @chengxicn
- [x] base_chapter.html- @chengxicn
- [x] error.html- @chengxicn
- [x] base.html -
- [x] contributors.html -
- [x] index.html -
- [x] table_of_contents.html -
- [x] base.html -
- [ ] base.html - foreword
- [x] contributors.html -
- [x] index.html -
- [x] table_of_contents.html -
- [x] base.html - @chengxicn
- [ ] base.html - foreword added later
- [x] contributors.html - @chengxicn
- [x] index.html - @chengxicn
- [x] table_of_contents.html - @chengxicn
- [x] base.html - @chengxicn
- [x] contributors.html - @chengxicn
- [x] index.html - @chengxicn
- [x] table_of_contents.html - @chengxicn
These are the chapters to be translated, in rough order of popularity. They exist in the content directory:
- [ ] css -
- [ ] javascript -
- [ ] markup -
- [ ] structured-data -
- [ ] fonts -
- [ ] media -
- [x] webassembly - @luckybai - #3237
- [ ] third-parties -
- [ ] interoperability -
- [ ] seo -
- [ ] accessibility -
- [ ] performance -
- [ ] privacy -
- [x] security - @levix - #3278
- [ ] mobile-web -
- [ ] capabilities -
- [x] pwa - @ibelem - #3192
- [ ] cms -
- [ ] jamstack -
- [ ] sustainability -
- [ ] page-weight -
- [ ] cdn -
- [ ] http -
- [ ] css -
- [ ] javascript -
- [ ] markup -
- [ ] structured-data -
- [ ] media -
- [ ] webassembly -
- [ ] third-parties -
- [ ] seo -
- [ ] accessibility -
- [ ] performance -
- [ ] privacy -
- [ ] security -
- [ ] mobile-web -
- [ ] capabilities -
- [ ] pwa -
- [ ] cms -
- [ ] ecommerce -
- [ ] jamstack -
- [ ] page-weight -
- [ ] compression -
- [ ] caching -
- [ ] cdn -
- [ ] resource-hints -
- [ ] http -
- [ ] css -
- [ ] javascript - @Zuckjet
- [ ] seo - @Zuckjet
- [ ] markup -
- [ ] accessibility -@Zuckjet
- [ ] cms -
- [x] performance- @Zuckjet
- [ ] security -
- [ ] jamstack -
- [ ] fonts -
- [ ] mobile-web -
- [ ] pwa -
- [ ] http2- @chengxicn
- [x] capabilities- @chengxicn
- [ ] third-parties -
- [ ] page-weight -
- [ ] caching -
- [ ] resource-hints -
- [ ] privacy -
- [ ] compression -
- [ ] ecommerce -
- [ ] media -
- [ ] javascript -
- [ ] css -
- [ ] seo -
- [x] performance - @chengxicn
- [ ] http2 -
- [ ] markup -
- [ ] third-parties -
- [ ] fonts -
- [x] accessibility - @chengxicn
- [ ] pwa - @limhenry: Google Docs
- [ ] cms -
- [ ] security -
- [ ] media -
- [ ] mobile-web -
- [ ] cdn - @chengxicn
- [ ] ecommerce -
- [ ] page-weight -
- [ ] caching -
- [ ] compression -
- [ ] resource-hints -
Additionally the following pages need translated too in the language specific templates directory, but less important than core templates and chapters:
- [ ] 2021/methodology.html -
- [x] accessibility_statement.html - @chengxicn
- [ ] accessibility_statement.html additional update -
- [x] base_ebook.html- @chengxicn
- [x] 2019/methodology.html - @chengxicn
- [x] 2020/methodology.html - @tunetheweb / @chengxicn - #1422
Please include "Makes progress on #1067" in all pull requests so a link is created from the PR to this issue.
There is no need to translate the chapters HTML pages in src/templates/en/2019/chapters/
nor the src/templates/en/2019/ebook.html
file as they are generated off the markdown combined with the above templates.
Common notes for writing consistency are here:'-Guide. Feel free to edit that and/or add Chinese-specific extras by editing this comment.
Chinese specific extra advice:
start translating language specific templates directory.
We found it best to put your name besides the parts you are doing on the first comment to tell others not to look at that one. I’ve done that with base.html
as an example. Feel free to remove it from there and/or add your name to others you are working on so @AppleTsai knows to work on other ones.
Thanks your warm markers and tips.
Submitted first PR,but there are some errors(from 311) in check , but I only translated front content,not sure why there are hard tabs can't pass the check yet. So have to delete and submitted a new PR again.
@chengxicn @AbbyTsai I'd like to post something from the HTTP Archive Twitter account to promote this translation effort and hopefully find more translators to help with it. Could someone translate this text for the tweet?
Do you speak Chinese? Help us translate the Web Almanac as part of our effort to make it globally accessible to the web community!
Thanks for your help!
嗨你喜歡英文嗎?歡迎加入Web Almanac網絡社群.讓我們攜手共遊無邊際的翻譯世界. @chengxicn it's open to your comment. I'll try to leave the message to network, hoping to pull more helper in translation.
@chengxicn @AbbyTsai I'd like to post something from the HTTP Archive Twitter account to promote this translation effort and hopefully find more translators to help with it. Could someone translate this text for the tweet?
Do you speak Chinese? Help us translate the Web Almanac as part of our effort to make it globally accessible to the web community!
Thanks for your help!
您会说中文吗? 来帮助我们翻译Web Almanac 网络年鉴吧!让我们一起努力消除障碍,让全球Web社区自由访问!
@rviscomi As I described before , mine and @AbbyTsai 's Chinese are very different systems, I'm working on Simplified Chinese and @AbbyTsai is working on Traditional Chinese, So we may need 2 groups of translators.
Thanks @AbbyTsai @chengxicn! I'll post two separate tweets using each dialect.
@tunetheweb it'd be good to split this issue into Simplified and Traditional so we can disambiguate for translators. I've renamed #1073 to clarify the dialect. For that PR I'd recommend completing the English translations into Simplified Chinese and waiting for a Simplified Chinese speaker to review it, or merge the PR if we can't find anyone soon. @AbbyTsai would you be able to work on a Traditional Chinese translation in parallel?
With two separate issues I'll be able to link the tweets to their respective dialects.
That's done - #1106
Only question remains is do we use the zh
folder and URL structure for one or the other?
Or have zh-cn
and zh-hk
? In which case @chengxicn can you update your PR?
I'm not sure if the folders have to comply with the ISO standard? could I name them 'cn-simp' and 'cn-trad' ?
Technically they don't but would prefer to use something that's not completely unusal!
According to this zh_CN
and zh_TW
seem to be the most common. Don't love introducing case into URLs though but can always revert to lowercase if it causes problems.
But willing to take your steer @chengxicn and @AbbyTsai since I'm sure you browser a lot more Chinese internet sites than me! 😀
Updated to zh_CN.
@rviscomi @tunetheweb I wish I could have triple hands to deal with both role of analyst and parallel translation, however, things don't go the way. After that schedule, I'll love to do translating in 2020 version. Thanks. @chengxicn Happy to co-work together. Hoping to partner in the next project.
Thank you @AbbyTsai I hope we can find more translators to help with that. I've just started posting the language-specific tweets:
- Chinese (Simplified):
- Chinese (Traditional):
@chengxicn I went ahead and merged #1073 but spotted some minor issues when doing final testing on it Not enough to hold up the merge as it was quite a big PR to leave out there, but if you could review and fix any of these that need fixing:
- [ ] - Methodology tables headings (lines 177 - 129, 184 - 186, 190, 200, 212, 218, 265, 266, 271, 275, 279, - should it be translated?
- [ ] - Base.html (line 1240) - "Generated with PrinceXML"
@chengxicn I am willing to translate the some of the chapters to zh-CN 🙋 Let me know if you need any help.
@chengxicn I am willing to translate the some of the chapters to zh-CN 🙋 Let me know if you need any help.
Hi @limhenry, Great! The work can be faster! I'm working on simplified Chinese chapter translation, please put your name besides the chapter you are doing.
Great news @limhenry - just sent you an invite to the team. If you could review #1073 that was already merged that would be good, and if you spot any errors then open a PR for that.
@chengxicn I went ahead and merged #1073 but spotted some minor issues when doing final testing on it Not enough to hold up the merge as it was quite a big PR to leave out there, but if you could review and fix any of these that need fixing:
- [ ] - Methodology tables headings (lines 177 - 129, 184 - 186, 190, 200, 212, 218, 265, 266, 271, 275, 279, - should it be translated?
- [ ] - Base.html (line 1240) - "Generated with PrinceXML"
I've fixed these 2 issues, will open PR with chapter together.
Great work @chengxicn! Excited to the the base translations live!
I can help with chinese translation of 2020, especially about pwa and web security, since I have done these things in my work project this year
Excellent! Edit the first post to stick your name beside a chapter and away you go!
Original english is in src/content/en/2020/
and should be translated and pull requested into src/content/zh-CN/2020
Any questions feel free to ask!
@tunetheweb I just edit the first comment under this issue like "performance- @Zuckjet". Does this mean I will take over the performance post for translation ?
Correct. But let’s untick it until it’s actually translated and PR accepted.
Correct. But let’s untick it until it’s actually translated and PR accepted.
Thanks for helping untick the list item, I will begin translate in these days
One thing to note is that for accessibility reasons whenever we are leaving a phrase in the original English we like to add lang="en"
attributes to that text (wrapping in a <span
> tag if necessary).
Like this example in the Capabilities translation:
Product names (e.g. HTTP Archive or Google Lighthouse) don't need this.
More tips in our Translators Guide
the seo chapter of 2020 isn't be marked with unedited flag, is it ready for translate ?
Yes it is. Updated the first comment with the latest list.
Yes it is. Updated the first comment with the latest list.
I remember have checked performance, since have finished translation. but seems someone uncheck it again, anything should i do about that chapter?
Sorry my fault. Got it confused with Traditional Chinese which hasn’t been merged yet. I have re-ticked it.