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Translate content into Polish
These are the core templates - without which we cannot release any translated chapters. They are in the language specific templates directory:
- [ ] base.html -
- [ ] base_chapter.html -
- [ ] error.html -
- [ ] base.html -
- [ ] contributors.html -
- [ ] index.html -
- [ ] table_of_contents.html -
- [ ] base.html -
- [ ] base.html - foreword
- [ ] contributors.html -
- [ ] index.html -
- [ ] table_of_contents.html -
- [ ] base.html -
- [ ] contributors.html -
- [ ] index.html -
- [ ] table_of_contents.html -
- [ ] base.html -
- [ ] contributors.html -
- [ ] index.html -
- [ ] table_of_contents.html -
These are the chapters to be translated, in rough order of popularity. They exist in the content directory:
- [ ] css -
- [ ] javascript -
- [ ] markup -
- [ ] structured-data -
- [ ] fonts -
- [ ] media -
- [ ] webassembly -
- [ ] third-parties -
- [ ] interoperability -
- [ ] seo -
- [ ] accessibility -
- [ ] performance -
- [ ] privacy -
- [ ] security -
- [ ] mobile-web -
- [ ] capabilities -
- [ ] pwa -
- [ ] cms -
- [ ] jamstack -
- [ ] sustainability -
- [ ] page-weight -
- [ ] cdn -
- [ ] http -
- [ ] css -
- [ ] javascript -
- [ ] markup -
- [ ] structured-data -
- [ ] media -
- [ ] webassembly -
- [ ] third-parties -
- [ ] seo -
- [ ] accessibility -
- [ ] performance -
- [ ] privacy -
- [ ] security -
- [ ] mobile-web -
- [ ] capabilities -
- [ ] pwa -
- [ ] cms -
- [ ] ecommerce -
- [ ] jamstack -
- [ ] page-weight -
- [ ] compression -
- [ ] caching -
- [ ] cdn -
- [ ] resource-hints -
- [ ] http -
- [ ] css -
- [ ] javascript -
- [ ] seo -
- [ ] markup -
- [ ] accessibility -
- [ ] cms -
- [ ] performance -
- [ ] security -
- [ ] jamstack -
- [ ] fonts -
- [ ] mobile-web -
- [ ] pwa -
- [ ] http2 -
- [ ] capabilities -
- [ ] third-parties -
- [ ] page-weight -
- [ ] caching -
- [ ] resource-hints -
- [ ] privacy -
- [ ] compression -
- [ ] ecommerce -
- [ ] media -
- [ ] javascript -
- [ ] css -
- [ ] seo -
- [ ] performance -
- [ ] http2 -
- [ ] markup -
- [ ] third-parties -
- [ ] fonts -
- [ ] accessibility -
- [ ] pwa -
- [ ] cms -
- [ ] security -
- [ ] media -
- [ ] mobile-web -
- [ ] cdn -
- [ ] ecommerce -
- [ ] page-weight -
- [ ] caching -
- [ ] compression -
- [ ] resource-hints -
Additionally the following pages need translated too in the language specific templates directory, but less important than core templates and chapters:
- [ ] 2021/methodology.html -
- [ ] accessibility_statement.html -
- [ ] base_ebook.html -
- [ ] 2019/methodology.html -
- [ ] 2020/methodology.html -
There is no need to translate the chapters HTML pages are they are generated off the markdown combined with the above templates.
Please include "Makes progress on #1043" in all pull requests so a link is created from the PR to this issue.
Common notes for writing consistency are here:'-Guide. Feel free to edit that and/or add Polish-specific extras by editing this comment.
Polish specific extra advice:
Nice little team we've got going on here now with three of you. More info here:'-Guide but let me know if you've any questions on this.
@pureise @kasiageb @domibjn I'd like to post something from the HTTP Archive Twitter account to promote this translation effort and hopefully find more translators to help with it. Could someone translate this text for the tweet?
Do you speak Polish? Help us translate the Web Almanac as part of our effort to make it globally accessible to the web community!
Thanks for your help!
Hi Rick (@rviscomi),
here you go:
Znasz język polski? Szukamy osób, które chciałyby wspomóc tłumaczenie Web Almanac. Dzięki temu jego treść będzie przystępna dla jeszcze większej części naszej społeczności.
Thanks @kasiageb!
Quick question, if the Polish translation issue is closed do I need to create a new issue for Polish translation?
Nope - just reopen it! I close issues that don’t seem to be being actively worked on but feel free to reopen at any time. Will do that now.
Ok, thanks. I'm new in using Git Hub so the major issue for me is not the translation itself, but to learn now to move here on Git hub.
Well we can definitely help with that part! We've a Git Guide but happy to walk you through you first commit as well.
Take the content from the English folder and then hit me up on our Slack or Twitter if you wanna be walked through how to add it to git and open a pull request.