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"Forgot Password" > Invalid email format lands the user to the "Password reset request sent" page
- Click on Forgot Password -
- Enter an invalid email format (i.e. "abc@") with quotation marks
- Click on Request New Password
- The "Password reset request sent" page appears instead of an error message. -
Suggestion: Have an email format validation feature in place to confirm correct format is entered in (i.e. [email protected])
I agree with Marlene that this is on the face of it madness, but I would like @tonysurma or @BillWagner to confirm that they actually want this fixed. I reason I hesitate is that someone has gone out of their way on the AccountController Tests to implement a test method called "ForgotPassword_InvalidUserName_DoesntSendEmail_But_RedirectsTo_PasswordResetRequestedView()" - and if you read that code it very definitely asserts precisely what Marlene (and I) considers to be a bug...