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EVENTS: Ability to add information to a request
This is a breakout from Events Epic #2039
- As a user I want to be able to add information to a request. This information is the detail for what the volunteer needs to be doing so should not be limited to a short number of characters.
Definition of Done:
- It should be possible for [Specified users] to add information to a request
Additional Information: Information from Steve: THIS IS POSSIBLY COMPLETE. We have a description field for Tasks. Is this sufficient?
Questions for @OhMcGoo @schuback
- Please confirm if the question from @stevejgordon is sufficient.
- Please confirm who should be able to add information to a task (i.e. just admins? all users?)
I think we need a "comment stream" concept that is associated with the request.
We need a RequestComments
table and the UI related to add comments to the request. We should capture:
- userID
- create date
- message
- request ID
There will need to be a command/handler written to save comments to the request.
There could be communication opportunities applied later, but for now, we'll limit this to collecting a set of non-threaded comments to a request.
I'm picking this up with the following steps...
- [x] Adding model for DB
- [x] Add command to save new comment
- [ ] Add query to list comments
- [ ] Add UI to list comments
- [ ] Add UI to compose and save a new comment
NOTE: Limit access to team lead, event manager, campaign manager, org admin and site admin
Work restarted as I somehow lost my branch for this!
I've submitted a partial PR for this. Once merged this can be considered available for the codeathon. There's still a fair amount of work left to do and possibly we can break into smaller pieces. I can advise further in person.