HRNet-Semantic-Segmentation copied to clipboard
The performance gap
I have dowonload the pretrained model 'hrnet_w48_cityscapes_cls19_1024x2048_ohem_trainvalset.pth' and evaluate it on cityscapes test dataset, the results are as bellow, while the mIoU (76.6%) is largely behind the proposed results (81.6%).
I don't know why, is there something wrong?
Because this model is trained based on pytorch-0.4.1, you should also run the test based on pytorch-0.4.1. The BN is different between pytorch-0.4.1 and pytorch-1.1, which results in worse performance.
Thank you.
I have tested the model with pytorch0.4.1 and pytorch 1.1. I have random drawn several images as bellow, the left image presents the result for pytorch 0.4.1, and the right image presents the result for pytorch1.1.
It's strange that those the output from pytorch0.4.1 is identical with the counterpart produced by pythorch1.1.
Any details that I have missed ?
Could you provide your testing settings and test the model on the val firstly?
I didn't test the model on the val firstly, and the test code I used as bellow:
Yes. Due to the limitation of submission, you can test the model on the val. Then, we can check the problem together.
@MandyMo I have tested the model based on Pyotrch-0.4.1. You should get MIoU 91.97 on val.
Thank you, I will evaluate it on val part.
I am sorry to trouble you again! I have evaluated the performance of the model on val set with Pytorch-0.4.1 (windows), while I can't reach the 91.97 iou. So I pick serveral image from the val set, can you offer me your evaluated results on the following five images.
@MandyMo hello, I'm tring the HRNet code as with you. But when running "python tools/ --cfg experiments/cityscapes/seg_hrnet_w48_train_512x1024_sgd_lr1e-2_wd5e-4_bs_12_epoch484.yaml", I encounter the problem "ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.". How about you? Are you encounter the same problem? If No, can you tell me you some suggestions? my pytorch is 1.1.0 and cuda 10.0. In addition, how do you install the packet "ninja",? the way:pip install ninja? if OK, I really hope to contact with you. my Thanks a lot!
@MandyMo Thanks very much for your help! the problem, "ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.", has been sovled. Wish you all the best~~~
@MandyMo: have you re-produced the results?
@MandyMo: have you re-produced the results?
No, I didn't reproduce the proposed results.
@MandyMo did you use the same settings? what are your results?
@huangfuts could you tell how you solved it my mail id is [email protected]
I suspect this is an error with how the model is loading, you need to explicitly map the model weights to your device, otherwise whatever weights are not mapped will be randomly initiated.
See here for further info: (this is my guess for now, I am working through these issues)