phyloFlash copied to clipboard
nhmmer failure: Error was 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' and return code '35584'
It looks like nhmmer fails on phyloFlash v3.4.2.
I am running this command: -lib test_phyloflash -CPUs 32 -everything -read1 ../../data/interleave/JMF-2212-17-0001A.interleave.fastq.gz --interleaved -readlength 150 -clusterid 99 -dbhome /scratch/jmf/internal/Analyses_Jay/JMF_2212_17/results/138.1
Error log:
[13:05:22] Using dbhome
[13:05:22] working on library 2212_17_0001A_phyloflash
[13:05:22] Using interleaved read data
[13:05:22] Forward reads
[13:05:22] Reverse reads from interleaved read file
[13:05:22] Running "everything" - overrides other command line options
[13:05:22] Current operating system linux
[13:05:22] Checking for required tools.
[13:05:22] Using cat found at "/usr/bin/cat".
[13:05:22] Using bbmap found at
[13:05:22] Using barrnap found at
[13:05:22] Using grep found at "/usr/bin/grep".
[13:05:22] Using spades found at
[13:05:22] Using mafft found at
[13:05:22] Using awk found at "/usr/bin/awk".
[13:05:22] Using emirge_rename_fasta found at
[13:05:22] Using emirge_amp found at
[13:05:22] Using sed found at
[13:05:22] Using reformat found at
[13:05:22] Using plotscript_SVG found at
[13:05:22] Using vsearch found at
[13:05:22] Using fastaFromBed found at
[13:05:22] Using emirge found at
[13:05:22] Using nhmmer found at
[13:05:22] All required tools found.
[13:05:22] filtering reads with SSU db using minimum identity of 70%
[13:05:22] running subcommand:
fast=t minidentity=0.7 -Xmx20g reads=-1 threads=32 po=f
noheader=t ambiguous=all build=1
scafstats=2212_17_0001A_phyloflash.hitstats overwrite=t
pairlen=1200 interleaved=t 2>2212_17_0001A_phyloflash.bbmap.out
[13:25:12] done...
[13:25:12] Reading SAM file 2212_17_0001A_phyloflash.bbmap.sam into memory
[13:25:25] Writing fixed SAM file to
[13:25:32] Done
[13:25:32] Total read segments processed: 930459722
[13:25:32] insert size median: 313
[13:25:32] insert size std deviation: 141
[13:25:32] Summarizing taxonomy from mapping hits to SILVA database
[13:25:44] done...
[13:25:45] Forward read segments mapping: 184043
[13:25:45] Reverse read segments mapping: 183111
[13:25:45] Reporting mapping statistics for paired end input
[13:25:45] Total read pairs with at least one segment mapping: 225192
[13:25:45] => both segments mapping to same reference: 111287
[13:25:45] => both segments mapping to different references: 30675
[13:25:45] Read segments where next segment unmapped: 83230
[13:25:45] mapping rate: 0.048%
[13:25:45] subsampling SSU reads and running nhmmer to check coverage
evenness across gene
[13:25:45] running subcommand:
out=2212_17_0001A_phyloflash.readsf.subsample.fasta srt=10000
ow=t interleaved=t 2>2212_17_0001A_phyloflash.reformat.out
[13:25:46] running subcommand:
--cpu 32 --tblout 2212_17_0001A_phyloflash.nhmmer.tblout
2212_17_0001A_phyloflash.readsf.subsample.fasta >/dev/null
[13:25:46] FATAL: Tool execution failed!.
Error was 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' and return code
Check log file /dev/null
[13:25:46] Saving log to file phyloFlash_log_on_error
I have tried running the nhmmer command online and it immediately breaks with a segmentation fault
/home/apps/conda/miniconda3/envs/phyloflash-3.4.2/lib/phyloFlash/barrnap-HGV/binaries/linux/nhmmer --cpu 8 --tblout 2212_17_0001A_phyloflash.nhmmer.tblout /home/apps/conda/miniconda3/envs/phyloflash-3.4.2/lib/phyloFlash/barrnap-HGV/db/ssu/ssu_ABE.hmm 2212_17_0001A_phyloflash.readsf.subsample.fasta
Segmentation fault
Any idea what is causing this?
a temporary workaround until this is fixed:
conda activate phyloflash # or what ever you named your phyloflash environment
conda install hmmer
cp ${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/nhmmer ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/phyloFlash/barrnap-HGV/binaries/linux/nhmmer
Thanks for this report, will incorporate the workaround