phyloFlash copied to clipboard
SSU RefNR: Failed to establish connection.
As mentioned in, --remote
fails with the following error:
[17:36:19] Checking for required tools.
[17:36:19] Using bowtiebuild found at
[17:36:19] Using grep found at "/usr/bin/grep".
[17:36:19] Using barrnapHGV found at
[17:36:19] Using bbmap found at "/opt/conda/envs/phyloflash/bin/".
[17:36:19] Using bbduk found at "/opt/conda/envs/phyloflash/bin/".
[17:36:19] Using vsearch found at "/opt/conda/envs/phyloflash/bin/vsearch".
[17:36:19] Using bbmask found at
[17:36:19] All required tools found.
This is from v3.4
[17:36:19] downloading latest univec from ncbi
[17:36:19] Connecting to
[17:36:19] Finding /pub/UniVec/UniVec
[17:36:20] Found UniVec (1701925 bytes)
[17:36:25] downloading latest SSU RefNR from
[17:36:25] Connecting to
[17:36:26] Finding
[17:38:37] FATAL: Could not list files matching
'*_SSURef_N?99_tax_silva_trunc.fasta.gz' in '/current/Exports/':
Failed to establish connection.
[17:38:37] Saving log to file phyloFlash_log_on_error
My conda env:
# Name Version Build Channel
_libgcc_mutex 0.1 conda_forge conda-forge
_openmp_mutex 4.5 2_gnu conda-forge
_r-mutex 1.0.1 anacondar_1 conda-forge
_sysroot_linux-64_curr_repodata_hack 3 h5bd9786_13 conda-forge
alsa-lib h166bdaf_0 conda-forge
bbmap 39.01 h5c4e2a8_0 bioconda
bcftools 1.8 h4da6232_3 bioconda
bedtools 2.30.0 h468198e_3 bioconda
binutils_impl_linux-64 2.39 he00db2b_1 conda-forge
binutils_linux-64 2.39 h5fc0e48_12 conda-forge
biopython 1.76 py27h516909a_0 conda-forge
blas 1.1 openblas conda-forge
bowtie 1.2.3 py27h2bce143_2 bioconda
bwidget 1.9.14 ha770c72_1 conda-forge
bzip2 1.0.8 h7f98852_4 conda-forge
c-ares 1.18.1 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
ca-certificates 2022.12.7 ha878542_0 conda-forge
cairo 1.16.0 h9f066cc_1006 conda-forge
certifi 2019.11.28 py27h8c360ce_1 conda-forge
curl 7.76.1 h979ede3_1 conda-forge
emirge 0.61.1 py27h30f897e_7 bioconda
expat 2.5.0 hcb278e6_1 conda-forge
fontconfig 2.14.2 h14ed4e7_0 conda-forge
freetype 2.12.1 hca18f0e_1 conda-forge
fribidi 1.0.10 h36c2ea0_0 conda-forge
gcc_impl_linux-64 9.5.0 h99780fb_19 conda-forge
gcc_linux-64 9.5.0 h4258300_12 conda-forge
gettext 0.21.1 h27087fc_0 conda-forge
gfortran_impl_linux-64 9.5.0 hf1096a2_19 conda-forge
gfortran_linux-64 9.5.0 hdb51d14_12 conda-forge
giflib 5.2.1 h0b41bf4_3 conda-forge
graphite2 1.3.13 h58526e2_1001 conda-forge
gsl 2.6 he838d99_2 conda-forge
gxx_impl_linux-64 9.5.0 h99780fb_19 conda-forge
gxx_linux-64 9.5.0 h43f449f_12 conda-forge
harfbuzz 2.7.2 ha5b49bf_1 conda-forge
htslib 1.7 0 bioconda
icu 67.1 he1b5a44_0 conda-forge
jpeg 9e h0b41bf4_3 conda-forge
kernel-headers_linux-64 3.10.0 h4a8ded7_13 conda-forge
krb5 1.17.2 h926e7f8_0 conda-forge
lcms2 2.14 h6ed2654_0 conda-forge
ld_impl_linux-64 2.39 hcc3a1bd_1 conda-forge
lerc 4.0.0 h27087fc_0 conda-forge
libblas 3.9.0 1_h86c2bf4_netlib conda-forge
libcblas 3.9.0 5_h92ddd45_netlib conda-forge
libcurl 7.76.1 hc4aaa36_1 conda-forge
libdeflate 1.14 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge
libedit 3.1.20191231 he28a2e2_2 conda-forge
libev 4.33 h516909a_1 conda-forge
libexpat 2.5.0 hcb278e6_1 conda-forge
libffi 3.2.1 he1b5a44_1007 conda-forge
libgcc 7.2.0 h69d50b8_2 conda-forge
libgcc-devel_linux-64 9.5.0 h0a57e50_19 conda-forge
libgcc-ng 12.2.0 h65d4601_19 conda-forge
libgfortran 3.0.0 1 conda-forge
libgfortran-ng 12.2.0 h69a702a_19 conda-forge
libgfortran5 12.2.0 h337968e_19 conda-forge
libglib 2.66.3 hbe7bbb4_0 conda-forge
libgomp 12.2.0 h65d4601_19 conda-forge
libiconv 1.17 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge
liblapack 3.9.0 5_h92ddd45_netlib conda-forge
libnghttp2 1.51.0 hdcd2b5c_0 conda-forge
libnsl 2.0.0 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
libpng 1.6.39 h753d276_0 conda-forge
libsanitizer 9.5.0 h2f262e1_19 conda-forge
libsqlite 3.40.0 h753d276_0 conda-forge
libssh2 1.10.0 haa6b8db_3 conda-forge
libstdcxx-devel_linux-64 9.5.0 h0a57e50_19 conda-forge
libstdcxx-ng 12.2.0 h46fd767_19 conda-forge
libtiff 4.4.0 h82bc61c_5 conda-forge
libuuid 2.38.1 h0b41bf4_0 conda-forge
libwebp-base 1.3.0 h0b41bf4_0 conda-forge
libxcb 1.13 h7f98852_1004 conda-forge
libxml2 2.9.10 h68273f3_2 conda-forge
libzlib 1.2.13 h166bdaf_4 conda-forge
llvm-openmp 8.0.1 hc9558a2_0 conda-forge
mafft 7.520 hec16e2b_0 bioconda
make 4.3 hd18ef5c_1 conda-forge
ncurses 6.3 h27087fc_1 conda-forge
numpy 1.16.5 py27h95a1406_0 conda-forge
openblas 0.3.3 ha44fe06_1 conda-forge
openjdk 11.0.8 hacce0ff_0 conda-forge
openmp 8.0.1 0 conda-forge
openssl 1.1.1t h0b41bf4_0 conda-forge
pango 1.42.4 h69149e4_5 conda-forge
pbzip2 1.1.13 0 conda-forge
pcre 8.45 h9c3ff4c_0 conda-forge
pcre2 10.36 h032f7d1_1 conda-forge
perl 5.32.1 2_h7f98852_perl5 conda-forge
phyloflash 3.4 hdfd78af_1 bioconda
pigz 2.6 h27826a3_0 conda-forge
pip 20.1.1 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
pixman 0.40.0 h36c2ea0_0 conda-forge
pthread-stubs 0.4 h36c2ea0_1001 conda-forge
pysam 0.14.1 py27hae42fb6_1 bioconda
python 2.7.15 h5a48372_1011_cpython conda-forge
python_abi 2.7 1_cp27mu conda-forge
r-backports 1.4.1 r40hcfec24a_0 conda-forge
r-base 4.0.3 ha43b4e8_3 conda-forge
r-brio 1.1.3 r40hcfec24a_0 conda-forge
r-callr 3.7.2 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-cli 3.4.1 r40h7525677_0 conda-forge
r-colorspace 2.0_3 r40h06615bd_0 conda-forge
r-crayon 1.5.1 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-desc 1.4.2 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-diffobj 0.3.5 r40hcfec24a_0 conda-forge
r-digest 0.6.29 r40h03ef668_0 conda-forge
r-ellipsis 0.3.2 r40hcfec24a_0 conda-forge
r-evaluate 0.16 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-fansi 1.0.3 r40h06615bd_0 conda-forge
r-farver 2.1.1 r40h7525677_0 conda-forge
r-fs 1.5.2 r40h7525677_1 conda-forge
r-getopt 1.20.3 r40ha770c72_2 conda-forge
r-ggdendro 0.1.23 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-ggplot2 3.3.6 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-glue 1.6.2 r40h06615bd_0 conda-forge
r-gtable 0.3.1 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-isoband 0.2.5 r40h03ef668_0 conda-forge
r-jsonlite 1.8.0 r40h06615bd_0 conda-forge
r-labeling 0.4.2 r40hc72bb7e_1 conda-forge
r-lattice 0.20_45 r40hcfec24a_0 conda-forge
r-lifecycle 1.0.2 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-magrittr 2.0.3 r40h06615bd_0 conda-forge
r-mass 7.3_58.1 r40h06615bd_0 conda-forge
r-matrix 1.4_1 r40h0154571_0 conda-forge
r-mgcv 1.8_40 r40h0154571_0 conda-forge
r-munsell 0.5.0 r40hc72bb7e_1004 conda-forge
r-nlme 3.1_159 r40h8da6f51_0 conda-forge
r-optparse 1.7.3 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-pillar 1.8.1 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-pkgconfig 2.0.3 r40hc72bb7e_1 conda-forge
r-pkgload 1.3.0 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-plyr 1.8.7 r40h7525677_0 conda-forge
r-praise 1.0.0 r40hc72bb7e_1005 conda-forge
r-processx 3.7.0 r40h06615bd_0 conda-forge
r-ps 1.7.1 r40h06615bd_0 conda-forge
r-r6 2.5.1 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-rcolorbrewer 1.1_3 r40h785f33e_0 conda-forge
r-rcpp 1.0.9 r40h7525677_1 conda-forge
r-rematch2 2.1.2 r40hc72bb7e_1 conda-forge
r-reshape2 1.4.4 r40h03ef668_1 conda-forge
r-rlang 1.0.6 r40h7525677_0 conda-forge
r-rprojroot 2.0.3 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-scales 1.2.1 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-stringi 1.5.3 r40hca8494e_0 conda-forge
r-stringr 1.4.1 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-testthat 3.1.4 r40h7525677_0 conda-forge
r-tibble 3.1.8 r40h06615bd_0 conda-forge
r-utf8 1.2.2 r40hcfec24a_0 conda-forge
r-vctrs 0.4.1 r40h7525677_0 conda-forge
r-viridislite 0.4.1 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-waldo 0.4.0 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
r-withr 2.5.0 r40hc72bb7e_0 conda-forge
readline 8.2 h8228510_1 conda-forge
samtools 1.6 hb116620_7 bioconda
scipy 1.2.0 py27_blas_openblashb06ca3d_200 conda-forge
sed 4.8 he412f7d_0 conda-forge
setuptools 44.0.0 py27_0 conda-forge
sortmerna 2.1b he860b03_4 bioconda
spades 3.15.5 h95f258a_1 bioconda
sqlite 3.40.0 h4ff8645_0 conda-forge
sysroot_linux-64 2.17 h4a8ded7_13 conda-forge
tbb 2020.2 h4bd325d_4 conda-forge
tk 8.6.12 h27826a3_0 conda-forge
tktable 2.10 hb7b940f_3 conda-forge
vsearch 2.22.1 hf1761c0_0 bioconda
wheel 0.37.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
xorg-fixesproto 5.0 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge
xorg-inputproto 2.3.2 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge
xorg-kbproto 1.0.7 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge
xorg-libice 1.0.10 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
xorg-libsm 1.2.3 hd9c2040_1000 conda-forge
xorg-libx11 1.8.4 h0b41bf4_0 conda-forge
xorg-libxau 1.0.9 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
xorg-libxdmcp 1.1.3 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
xorg-libxext 1.3.4 h0b41bf4_2 conda-forge
xorg-libxfixes 5.0.3 h7f98852_1004 conda-forge
xorg-libxi 1.7.10 h7f98852_0 conda-forge
xorg-libxrender 0.9.10 h7f98852_1003 conda-forge
xorg-libxt 1.2.1 h7f98852_2 conda-forge
xorg-libxtst 1.2.3 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge
xorg-recordproto 1.14.2 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge
xorg-renderproto 0.11.1 h7f98852_1002 conda-forge
xorg-xextproto 7.3.0 h0b41bf4_1003 conda-forge
xorg-xproto 7.0.31 h7f98852_1007 conda-forge
xz 5.2.6 h166bdaf_0 conda-forge
zlib 1.2.13 h166bdaf_4 conda-forge
zstd 1.5.2 h3eb15da_6 conda-forge
My OS: Ubuntu 20.04.5
While there are some instructions at for manual setup of the database, the instructions are not detailed enough to fully set up the database.
I just spent some time today to figure out the issue.
You can complete to installation of the database by using wget to download the proper files and adding them into the command in the link.
#wget silva DB, location found using phyloflash error log
#wget UniVec DB, location found using phyloflash error log
#use downloaded files as inputs for db. --CPUs 16 --silva_file SILVA_138.1_SSURef_NR99_tax_silva_trunc.fasta.gz --univec_file UniVec
The exact path the you need to use for the -db_home option will be printed out at the end of the command.
I get the same error on my side
adding them into the command in the link
@osvatic There are many commands at I'm assuming you mean: --univec_file /path/to/Univec --silva_file /path/to/SILVA_128_SSURef_Nr99_tax_silva_trunc.fasta.gz
@nick-youngblut That command is the final one but it get around the issue but you need to use the wget
commands (shown in previous comment and below). They will download the correct versions of the silva and UniVec databases for you to run the
#wget silva DB, location found using phyloflash error log
#wget UniVec DB, location found using phyloflash error log
Thanks for taking the time to help each other out. I've updated the docs based on the ambiguities that have been pointed out here.
Preformatted SILVA databases are now available for download from Zenodo. This will be displayed as the preferred setup method once the pull request is accepted.
Background to some of the design decisions: When phyloFlash was originally developed, SILVA was released under a license that did not allow commercial use beyond a test period, which is why the database setup script was designed to explicitly display the license conditions and get interactive user confirmation before continuing. SILVA 138 onwards is released under CC-BY 4.0, which is more permissive, but we didn't change the database setup because it still worked and active development was essentially complete.