DenseSurfelMapping copied to clipboard
The question about vins-supported
I run vins-mono (not vins-fusion) with mynteye camera, and set estimate_extrinsic to 2 to calibrate the camera and imu. When I run roslaunch surfel_fusion fuse_depthnet.launch, the information is displayed as follows.
process[surfel_fusion-1]: started with pid [13628] Have the following settings: camera matrix: 358.474 0 388.407 0 359.527 254.769 0 0 1 fuse the distence between 0.500000 m and 3.000000 m. loop_path_input size: =30 poses_database size: =0 loop_path_input size: =31 poses_database size: =0 loop_path_input size: =32 poses_database size: =2 loop_path_input size: =33 poses_database size: =3 loop_path_input size: =34 poses_database size: =4
But when I run rostopic pub / surfel_cmd std_msgs/Int16 "data: 2" is used to end the map creation, the error shown below will appear.
loop_path_input size: =234 poses_database size: =204 [ WARN] [1596005843.725373460]: Surfel STOP! saving pointcloud ... terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pcl::IOException' what(): : [pcl::PCDWriter::writeASCII] Input point cloud has no data! [surfel_fusion-1] process has died [pid 13628, exit code -6, cmd /home/jgx/catkin_surfelmapping_vins/devel/lib/surfel_fusion/surfel_fusion ~grey_image:=/mynteye/left/image_raw ~depth:=/mynteye/depth/image_raw ~loop_path:=/pose_graph/pose_graph_path ~extrinsic_pose:=/vins_estimator/extrinsic __name:=surfel_fusion __log:=/home/jgx/.ros/log/5ea3157c-d168-11ea-b86a-983f9f190824/surfel_fusion-1.log]. log file: /home/jgx/.ros/log/5ea3157c-d168-11ea-b86a-983f9f190824/surfel_fusion-1*.log all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done
My camera only has grayscale images and no color images. I don't know if this is the cause.could you help me solve this issue,thans very much.
Grayscale image should not be a problem. As the error tells you, there is no fused point cloud. Is the synchonizing correct? Can you print show log of the system here?