opened this issue 1 year ago
Better Scaling Controls and Keybinds
Adds keybinds when scaling, to scale by a specific amount.
Feature Description
How should it work?
Scale controls that either override movement controls, meaning full grid scaling when using WASD, with W scaling up by one block, either meaning 300% or 200% vertical scale, and S doing the inverse and vice versa for A and D.
Configurable to change by how much it should scale, so you can make one step scale by exactly 200% of the current scale every time, by exactly a grid space, half a grid space etc. and make it possible for all said settings to exist as separate keybinds at once.
What does it look/sound/act like?
Potentially make the Y/vertical scaling configurable to be a vertical bar.
Potentially show where it will be scaled to with lines on the scaling controls,
maybe add the ability to click on the scaling bar instead of having to drag the <-> icon
Also scaling at current on the Scaling UI is broken and sets itself to a % of the screen width but does not scale when the zoom is changed.