Harrison Hogg
Harrison Hogg
Hi, I was wondering if there's any value in having Design Systems added to the catalog that have been password protected. For example E-Trades -> [https://etrade.design](https://etrade.design). There's nothing that can...
Just noticing the level of the `inline` token following a `dt_open` token it seems to jump a level, is this correct? For example this seems to be the structure at...
The defaults work fine from the static `.defaultProps` property like ... ```tsx interface Props { foo?: string; } const Test: React.SFC = (props: Props) => { const { foo, ...rest...
Hi, would you be open to a PR that allows the render callback to be passed in as the `children` prop? This would allow people to keep the render logic...
## 🐛 Bug description With the following code ... ```rust #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct SomeStruct { some_field: Arc>, } #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct SomeOtherStruct { ... } ``` Serde is able to...
## Hey, I just made a Pull Request! While theming Backstage, we're needing to use an `!important` to override some inline styling. This PR moves it makeStyles so we can...
I'm using [the SSG approach](https://github.com/vitejs/vite-plugin-vue/tree/main/playground/ssr-vue) that the Vite docs link to, which produces an ESNext build that is then [reimported](https://github.com/vitejs/vite-plugin-vue/blob/main/playground/ssr-vue/prerender.js#L16) for pre-rendering routes. After adding in react-helmet-async, this approach fails...
I was having an issue on a couple of repos in which we have set up to deploy using gh-pages from Travis. This was setup using Githubs deploys keys and...
For example: ```Some inline html text.``` Will yield: ``` [ {type: "paragraph_open", ...} {type: "inline", content: "Some inline html text.", children: [ {type: "text", content: "Some inline "}, {type: "htmltag",...
Typeshare currently uses the serde rename attribute to rename the output type but when using custom serialisation (not using the derived Serialization), it's not possible to use the Serdes rename...