leave more details like the programm output or what happened when ran also reading this issue could help you: https://github.com/WEGFan/Geometry-Dash-Savefile-Fix/issues/23
see this issue: https://github.com/WEGFan/Geometry-Dash-Savefile-Fix/issues/23
see this issue, it seems really really really similar: https://github.com/WEGFan/Geometry-Dash-Savefile-Fix/issues/26
try to update the programm, since now its version 1.1.1 if it still gaves that error, and you are on macos, fixing may not work since gd windows savefiles encryption...
heres some steps you could try: (if you are not on windows, read the last sentance of that comment) 1. download python (from https://python.org/ or the microsoft store) if you...
please describe more, like copy paste the output of the programm or explain what happens when runing it also read this issue: https://github.com/WEGFan/Geometry-Dash-Savefile-Fix/issues/23
have you installed python ? https://python.org/
but this programm is written in python (https://python.org/) not in VisualC++ GD is writen in C++ so GD needs VisualC++ libs but not that programm
your gd savefiles could not be localised correctly be sure the save files are in the folder located at: %localappdata%/GeometryDash and if you have multiple ones, only these in that...