Hans Dembinski

Results 105 issues of Hans Dembinski

`UnbinnedNLL` and `ExtendedUnbinnedNLL` use the `visualize` method in `UnbinnedCost`. The number of bins used in the visualization is currently fixed to 50, this should become user-configurable.

PyHEP 2022 Hackashop
good first issue

Minuit.interactive can detect whether it is run inside a notebook and only then generate the UI with ipywidgets. Outside of a notebook, it could generate the UI with PyQt. This...


The following is a concern when using strategy 0 or 1 (default). In most cases, Minuit.migrad calls MnHesse automatically at the end of the minimization, but if the correlations between...

The tutorial should compare optimization of a likelihood with a parametric pdf with a MCMC generation of the posterior. Numerical optimization should be superior to MCMC when the model is...

Not sure if it is possible to interface the RooFit cost function with iminuit, but if it possible, we should have a tutorial about it.

Finding starting values for a fit is often challenging. Bayesian optimization is a global optimization strategy which could be very useful in that regard. Bayesian optimization is implemented, for example,...

After getting some experience with the machinery used to get SciPy working inside Minuit, we may also want to wrap nlopt. nlopt brings several additional local and global optimisers to...

@cdeil Could you remind me where I can find the paper template that you showed me a while ago?

**General information:** - emcee version: 3.0.2 **Problem description:** emcee does not seem to support the new Numpy random number generators. https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/generator.html#numpy.random.Generator I want to replace the Mersenne Twistor with the...

Hi, I am the other of [PyIK](https://github.com/hdembinski/pyik), a toolbox library for data analysis in high energy physics. PyIK is nice and working well, but I have no time to raise...