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IClojure copied to clipboard

Clojure Jupyter kernel based on the Unrepl Protocol


A Jupyter kernel for Clojure based on the Unrepl protocol.

  • Inspired by (and bootstrapped from) the Clojupyter project.
  • Evaluate Clojure code on either a local or remote socket repl (port-forwarding)
  • Ship dependencies to remote repl only when needed
  • Avoids printing large results with configurable data structure elision
  • Render HTML, Latex, and Markdown

Try it!

docker run -p 8888:8888 cgrand/iclojure

Watch the output for a url and/or a token, for example:

[I 13:10:02.189 LabApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 13:10:02.189 LabApp] http://(c94e72d6fe5f or

Go to localhost:8888 and enter the token (0212d3870d2feb2a4148045e5b1df77460dc4618fe6854d2 above).

This docker image is built using the Dockerfile provided in this repository. In addition to the kernel istelf, the iclojure_extension is enabled which allows interactive browsing (both elided collections and REBL-like view).

A volume can be mounted under /notebooks to persist notebooks.


IClojure is designed to work with either Jupyter or Jupyter Lab. Future work is primarly targeting the Juptyer Lab environment.

Conda v.4.5+ is required.

Install the dependencies .

$ conda upgrade conda
$ conda install jupyter
$ git clone https://github.com/HCADatalab/IClojure
$ cd IClojure
$ make; make install; cd -


By default when you open a new notebook you are connected to the JVM running the kernel.

To connect to a Remote Socket REPL, use:

/connect localhost:port

To reconnect to the local JVM:

/connect -

Add clojure dependencies to classpath

/cp some-deps.edn-map
/cp (form that evaluates to a deps.edn map)

Render MIME

#unrepl/mime {:content-type "text/html" :content "<h1>Hello <i>#unrepl</i></h1>"}
#unrepl/mime {:content-type "text/markdown" :content "# Hello *unrepl* in Markdown"}
#unrepl/mime {:content-type "text/latex" :content "$$E=mc^2$$"}
#unrepl/mime {:content-type "application/vnd.vegalite.v2+json"
              :content   {:data {:values [{:animal :horse :amount 40}{:animal :dog :amount 60}]}
                          :mark :bar
                          :encoding {:x {:field :amount} 
                                     :y {:field :animal :type :ordinal}}}}

Alt text


Currently working on IClojure JupyterLab Extension for mouse-driven lazy-loading. Code is included in this repo, but documentation is still forth coming.


Copyright © 2015-2017 HCA

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

Initially derived from MIT-Licensed Clojupyter © 2014 Rory Kirchner.