vue3-easy-data-table copied to clipboard
Cloning items
First of all, thank you very much for such an excellent component! It enables a straightforward migration for our project as we rely heavily on displaying data in tables. However, I spotted a minor issue when it comes to working with column templates and pagination - in we are receiving a copy original item properties instead of the item itself. This prevents us from using functions and properties of the original object - we are passing quite complex viewmodels to the grid. Is it possible to expose the original item and additional fields in one object, for example { item, checkbox, index }?
Thank you for your work :)
@wozni Do you mean not using spread syntax (...) like:
return, index) => ({ index: currentPageFirstIndex.value + index, item }));
return, index) => ({ index: currentPageFirstIndex.value + index, ...item }));
Yes, exactly
@wozni Could you provide a demo Items data so I can test it?
It's easy to reproduce, try to call a function on an item in the column template. The spread syntax does not copy functions and properties.
export class User {
constructor(public firstName: string, public lastName: string) {
get displayName() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
const users: User[] = [new User("John","Smith")]
const headers: Header[] = [
{text: "Name", value: "displayName", sortable: true}
<template #item-displayName="user" >
I tried to use shallowClone
function shallowClone(obj: Item): Item {
return Object.create(
to clone every property of the item including get property
instead of using spread syntax (...)
or JSON.parse(JSON.stringfy(item))
, and I console the final pageItems in the setup function of table component here:
items including User instance was consoled correctly:
but finally, Vue template seems not to render by using the original item:
I will keep google it and try to solve it.