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An advanced web directory & file scanning tool that will be more powerful than DirBuster, Dirsearch, cansina, and Yu Jian.一个高级web目录、文件扫描工具,功能将会强于DirBuster、Dirsearch、cansina、御剑...

Results 40 dirmap issues
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当扫描大量目标时,在扫描过程中会出现 [x] plz check file path! [x] error:[Errno 24] Too many open files: '/xxxpath/dirmap/data/dict_mode_dict.txt' [x] load payloads error! [x] plz check dict mode config! 然后就停止运行 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/37657938/57743970-d5f44300-76f9-11e9-9897-833108f8bbfc.png)

I configure a basic research, i left for 1h, when i come back python was using 9GB of RAM, i have to kill the process. In anothers research it runs...


建议添加3xx的功能 御剑直接有这个。现在在配置文件里面还要一个一个去配置状态码。。。

dirmap.conf中配置有如下: ```py conf.blast_mode = 1 conf.blast_mode_custom_charset = "" ``` PS D:\工具\dirmap> python .\dirmap.py -i http://www.xxxx.com -t 60 -lcf ##### # ##### # # ## ##### # # # # #...

线程问题:配置文件是#Custom all request limit,default 30 coroutines conf.request_limit = 5 python3 dirmap.py -iF urls.txt -lcf,urls.txt里面只有一个链接,80秒就显示扫了6000个是什么鬼,|6000 Elapsed Time 0:01:20 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29968903/62015785-2bac9780-b1e1-11e9-9bff-0e3d3b51a9ec.png) 错过截图时间,除一下87563/24/60=59.57 未配置爬虫模式下的内存占用过大:配置配置100个target*5个payload之后,出现了占用内存到达4G+的情况,表哥这是什么原因啊?我平时写多线程也有这个问题,有时候是反向dos(一个返回包3G+),但有时候分析不出什么原因。


