Discord-Member-Booster copied to clipboard
how can i get my proxi
import http.server import socketserver
PORT = 8080
class ProxyHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.copyfileobj(self.rfile, self.wfile)
with socketserver.TCPServer(("", PORT), ProxyHandler) as httpd: print("Proxy server running at port", PORT) httpd.serve_forever()
heres a simple code that will create a proxy after running that 20202020202020:8080 replace all 2 and 0 with your ip and paste it in the "proxies.txt
heres a simple code that will create a proxy after running that 20202020202020:8080 replace all 2 and 0 with your ip and paste it in the "proxies.txt
where do I put that code
Create a python file "main.py" paste the code into it and launch it with python