lycheesync copied to clipboard
a command line interface tool to sync lychee with any directory containing photos
Hi all - wondering if anyone else has run into this issue. I am running the kdelfour-lychee docker inside a Synology diskstation. I installed lycheesync and configured it. However, when...
Hello, Lychee 3.1.1has been released : When photos are uploaded, Lychee is now able to fill the "tag" field in the photo database table with metadata from the EXIF...
Just a question: When the "-l" parameter is used, moving an image to another folder on Lychee, the symbolic link is changed too or it's broken? Regards and congrats for...
Hi, Is there a way to make lychee-sync follow symbolic links? Because there were some folders I didn't want to sync in my original data structure, I created a "mirror"...
When the directory lycheesyncer imports from is read-only and `-l` is used, importing of photos with wrong rotation fails: ``` ERROR;2016-04-24 17:06:35,232; lycheesync.lycheesyncer; [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/srv/vhosts/lychee/uploads/big/e59e6b335a07d61f8fde932d84a01906.jpg' Traceback (most...
Hi, I have the next error, do you have an idea ? Thank you :) `(venv3.4) root@monkeyd:/home/antho/lycheesync-master# cd /home/antho/lycheesync-master && . ./venv3.4/bin/activate && python -m lycheesync.sync /home/mariejose/camera/ /media/CLE_ANTHO_128GO/Mes_sites/marie_jose/ /home/antho/lycheesync-master/ressources/conf.json -d...
Just a little question: how to connect the plugin when you set a prefix in the mysql database? Thanks!
make people use : ``` pip install git+ ```
Hi, In lycheesync/ the "if loop" from line 220: ``` python if decode == "ISOSpeedRatings": self.exif.iso = value[0] ``` Throws the following error: > ERROR;2016-02-24 16:31:40,701; lycheesync.lycheesyncer; 'int' object is...