These rectangles deserve to be completed: ``` haskell execState :: State s () -> (s -> s) modify :: (s -> s) -> State s () execStateT :: StateT s...
I am currently making a typeclass that relates `Alternative`s and `Alt`s that are differing by their `empty` for laziness and profit. `Maybe` belongs to `Identity`, but `Identity` doesn't have an...
The call stacks end up super deep and the order of operations strange. Have you considered a refactor where `lens.....get()` is compiled into a function block where `.F(getter)` corresponds to...
I expected the same reply twice since the temperature is 0 but: ``` gurkenglas@Gurkenglas-PC ~> nlsh generate natural-language passphrase pwgen -y -s -c -n -1 12 /tmp/.psub.FgetTORIsn: line 1: pwgen:...
Out of 20 question-answer pairs you could pick one at random, put it at the end, and check whether shuffling the rest impacts quality of the completion, or more objectively...
Depends on Am I doing this right?
This is neat and by solving an NP-hard problem in my head I can tell which node corresponds to a given other tensor in my code. Could you add the...
?= comes from lens. Perhaps there's a better way to attach the do block to boxNew than adding it as an argument.
Most questions autopilot leaves have form [rot13]"gur haerirnyrq arvtuobef bs n ahzore ner n fhofrg bs gur haerirnyrq arvtuobef bs nabgure ahzore". It should have a setting for how complex...
The strong theoretical reasons for prompts like `QA QA QA Q` don't hold when the model sees: ``` user: QA QA QA Q assistant: ``` To fix this, try making...