If we could have an operator `(§) = ($)` with highest precedence to the left and lowest precedence to the right, as if we ran a preprocessor parsing pass over...
It would be `Cofree f a -> Cofree f [a]` and turn a tree into a tree of finite paths from its root to each node. (gotta look at the...
`Foldable` would map to a type constructor with one type parameter `a` and its result isomoprhic to `Monoid m => (a -> m) -> m.` `Functor`, `Traversable`, `Monad`, `Applicative` and...
It currently has type > Functor f => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Cofree f a -> Cofree g a It could have type > Functor f...
``` import Data.Coercible data EndoT m a = EndoT {runEndoT :: a -> m a} deriving Wrapped instance Monad m => Monoid (EndoT m a) where mempty = coerce return...
deriving Wrapped, deriving Lens, deriving Fields, etc. should invoke lens's makeWrapped, makeLenses, makeFields, etc., and the exference project suggest the need for a common library about types and operations between types, like unification.
I'm not sure whether this should look this stupid and I should change my approach, or we're just missing an alias.
This would desugar ``` f = g h x i j k ``` to ``` f = g (h x) (i (j k)) ``` and in particular it would desugar...