I seem to be using this so often I can only attribute it to that phenomenon where after you just learned something you start seeing it everywhere. For example: ```...
This would solve the problem of legacy API. The PvP fits neatly around it: The leftmost number would be used for version changes that are not annotated with an updater....×tamp=1483313566#t1483313566 (irrelevant lines taken): ``` Anyone here use Control.Monad.Except? kind of a drag that `fail` doesn't return a Left also it doesn't export a utility function to convert an Either...
As an alternative to `playIO :: Display -> Color -> Int -> world -> (world -> Picture) -> (Event -> world -> world) -> (Float -> World -> World) ->...
There should be something that allows you to replace ``` case a of B c -> d c E _ -> f ``` with: ``` case a of B ->...
In place of any last line of a do block reading `foo $ \x -> do`, you should be able to write something like `x×tamp=1482366450#t1482366450 ``` ugh why does ‘vector’ provide mapM but not traverse it might depend on which vector you're talking about.Data.Vector _should_ since it can hold any type, but Data.Vector.Unboxed can't...
Then those dependencies needn't go in your whole project, and the definitions would only activate when all dependencies are in scope for some other reason/using the definition would activate the...
Write something like `:hoist runMaybeT` and suddenly the giant do block you're writing is in the `MaybeT IO` monad. The important part is that monadic results are still printed on...
These seem to be the critical sections of code, except that you would need to filter for this before you count how many entries to display on this page...