师兄您好,这几天我运行了一下您的程序,发现您更新了,但运行到 hr_samples[0, 0:blockz, 0:block_width, 0:block_height] = image[0:rangz, 0:rangwidth, 0:rangheight] 的时候报错, TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method 然后我发现rangz rangwidth rangheight 在前几行的计算过程得出的貌似不是整数型, rangz = lambda...
many thanks for authors' contributions. however, i can't find the code about unet++ in lung nodule segmentation according to your paper. can you give me some suggestions? many thanks.
the loss function used in the project was loss = self.focalLoss(thetas, labels)??? not Additive Angular Margin Loss?
hello, thanks very much for your work, when i used your code to process the ct series in lidc, some ctr series can not yield the .nrrd files, did you...
thanks for your sharing. whether your work can achieve the visualization of lung nodule contour? waiting for your reply.
Thanks for your sharing, and what time were you planning code open~
Hi, thanks for your sharing, can you provide the training data with a link? Tdata download in tructSeg2019 is no longer working~ Many thanks~
您好, 非常冒昧打扰您,按照您在Github上的描述,timi团队代码中,Use file and to train and test the model. 在运行train2.py时发现,当提取训练数据时,需要运行下面这行语句, bp_weight = np.load(os.path.join(self.root, 'LIBBP', 'distance_bp', name + '.npy')) 可是其中的【'LIBBP', 'distance_bp', name + '.npy'】,并没有找到相关获取程序。 我往上翻了一下,如果我要得到'distance_bp',路径下面的文件就需要运行save_BP_weight_tw():, 但是save_BP_weight_tw():中又需要运行 pred =...