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Problems with take photo
Hello: I was trying to take a photo and detect the text. At first glance, read the text, shows, but app close after that. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Thread$State java.lang.Thread.getState()' on a null object reference at com.guna.ocrlibrary.camera.CameraSource$FrameProcessingRunnable.release(CameraSource.java:1103) at com.guna.ocrlibrary.camera.CameraSource.release(CameraSource.java:325) at com.guna.ocrlibrary.camera.CameraSourcePreview.release(CameraSourcePreview.java:82) at com.guna.ocrlibrary.OcrCaptureActivity.onDestroy(OcrCaptureActivity.java:222) at android.app.Activity.performDestroy(Activity.java:8245) at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnDestroy(Instrumentation.java:1344).... I thinks it is some problem in the library when try to close the camera, but not sure. Thanks for your code, it helps me a lot.