Nicolas Ronvel
Nicolas Ronvel
Thinking if multiple inheritance is possible, and how to do it. Example ! I have a default template. A textbox and a label. ``` "fields":[ { "name":"name", "label":"Name", "default":"Captain Wolf"...
See also #17 Some elements are repeating themselve in the `canvasFields` array. For example, a Path for a specific box repeated multiple times in the canvas, with only x &...
JSON data returned by the kitchensink tool of FabricJS includes all the fields of the objects. But many of those fields are set to their default value. In order to...
FabricJS offers multiple ways to customize text. It could be added to the Rich Text Box : - Underline - Linethrough - FontSize - Font color - Background color -...
For some games, a list of "common archetypes" cards can be useful.
Applying better style, more coherent control when in ddslick mode. Follow-up of #41
If a field of type "text" is updated to an "options" type field, how a card is supposed to be updated ? Same thing for "rich text" field, for example....
The displayed Template Code should be in Json-Friendly textarea, with line number, syntax coloring, ...
Some fields don't need to be displayed in every card. A boolean field "Show more fields" should be able to hide / display those other fields. To be set in...